On 03/02/2018 03:59 PM, Mauno Niko wrote:
> On 02/28/2018 06:58 PM, Alexander Kanavin wrote:
>> On 02/28/2018 06:20 PM, Niko Mauno wrote:
>>> Improve associated install() method behaviour in affected OpkgPM and
>>> DpkgPM classes so that a problematic state of affairs becomes directly
>>> obvious for bitbake user, resulting in shell output like:
>> Does rpm need the same fix?
> RpmPM's respective install() implementation deviates somewhat from it's 
> OpkgPM, DpkgPM counterparts. It seems that rpm applies '--skip-broken' switch 
> to dnf command which supposedly ignores just the conflicting packages in a 
> given set, while installing all others.
> The behaviour in opkg/dpkg case however seems to be, that in case of even 
> single conflicting package in a package set, the whole package set is 
> silently left uninstalled. I performed a test against a reference image where 
> the issue manifests, and compared to rpm, opkg/dpkg-based SDK images lacked 
> over half of target packages:
> $ wc -l toolchain-target-manifest-*
>    317 toolchain-target-manifest-deb
>    317 toolchain-target-manifest-ipk
>    653 toolchain-target-manifest-rpm

Steps to reproduce problem with current poky master (at 

1) Add following line to build/conf/local.conf:
IMAGE_INSTALL_append = " openssh-sftp-server"

2) Perform 'bitbake -c populate_sdk core-image-sato' against each 
'package_deb', 'package_rpm' and 'package_ipk' values of PACKAGE_CLASSES 
variable and make note of contents of each resulting 

3) Compare resulting target.manifest files and notice that vast amount of 
target packages (mostly *-dev, *-dbg, but others too) are missing from SDK when 
PACKAGE_CLASSES is set to ipk or deb:

# wc -l sdk-sato-*/*.target.manifest 
  601 sdk-sato-deb/....target.manifest
  601 sdk-sato-ipk/....target.manifest
 1413 sdk-sato-rpm/....target.manifest

In OpkgPM, DpkgPM cases, install_complementary() seems to fail the whole set 
(without QA warnings) if there is even one conflicting package (such as 
'openssh' in this case). 

In RpmPM case, implementation deviates somewhat from it's OpkgPM, DpkgPM 
counterparts - a '--skip-broken' switch is applied to dnf command which 
effectively would seem to (silently) leave out only the conflicting 'openssh' 
package (without QA warnings), instead of whole set. 

Without this patch, there is no explicit notification of shortcoming to bitbake 

With this patch applied, warnings are printed to console during bitbake 
operation (full output in appendix below) in package_ipk, package_deb cases. 
This should be helpful to bitbake user who then can mitigate the situation (eg. 
by adding 'openssh' to 'PACKAGE_EXCLUDE_COMPLEMENTARY' variable).


Appendix 1: PACKAGE_CLASSES = "package_ipk"

WARNING: core-image-sato-1.0-r0 do_populate_sdk: Unable to install packages. 
 --volatile-cache -f 
  --force_postinstall --prefer-arch-to-version   install sato-screenshot-dbg 
consolekit-dbg libpopt-dev libmb-dev libgles2-mesa-dev initscripts-dev 
gcc-runtime-dbg packagegroup-base-wifi-dev openssh-dev matchbox-panel-2-dev 
iptables-dbg libglapi-dev packagegroup-base-pci-dev libtag-dev libfontenc-dbg 
libnss-mdns-dbg xcursor-transparent-theme-dev libmb-dbg sysvinit-inittab-dbg 
 ion-1-dbg libexif-dev iw-dev libnss-mdns-dev libx11-dev distcc-dbg 
libatk-1.0-dbg libsqlite3-dev libxinerama-dev vte-dbg bash-dev 
xf86-video-vmware-dev libglib-2.0-dev libdbus-glib-1-dev util-linux-dev 
bzip2-dev libz-dbg libxtst-dbg kmod-dbg orc-dbg ca-certificates-dev 
libxkbfile-dbg packagegroup-core-x11-base-dev xf86-video-cirrus-dev 
libfakekey-dbg libpcre-dbg libnl-3-dbg libevdev-dbg libogg-dev 
libdbus-glib-1-dbg netbase-dev shared-mime-info-dbg packagegroup-core-boot-dev 
libxxf86vm-dev xrandr-dbg packagegroup-base-zeroconf-dev pcmanfm-dev 
binutils-dev packagegroup-core-ssh-dropbear-dev libinput-dev libxxf86dga-dev 
pointercal-xinput-dev sysvinit-inittab-dev libxcursor-dbg xauth-dbg busybox-dev 
shadow-securetty-dev connman-conf-dbg libxcursor-dev psplash-dev libgcrypt-dev 
libwayland-egl-dev libfm-extra-dev libinput-dbg libtirpc-dbg libtirpc-dev 
libarchive-dev packagegroup-base-zeroconf-dbg gtk+3-dbg libxfixes-dev opkg-dbg 
gstreamer1.0-plugins-base-dev base-passwd-dev curl-
 dev shadow-securetty-dbg sysvinit-dev avahi-dbg libgbm-dev netbase-dbg 
liblzo2-dbg mini-x-session-dev modutils-initscripts-dbg libwrap-dev 
libstartup-notification-1-dev acl-dev udev-extraconf-dev packagegroup-base-dbg 
libspeex-dbg libxml2-dbg libwebp-dev openssh-dbg libusb-1.0-dev 
packagegroup-core-boot-dbg libnfsidmap-dbg packagegroup-base-bluetooth-dev 
xf86-video-fbdev-dbg libxcb-dev libdmx-dbg attr-dev 
packagegroup-core-x11-sato-games-dev xdpyinfo-dev libevent-dbg 
xserver-nodm-init-dev vte-dev alsa-state-dbg matchbox-panel-2-dbg 
libarchive-dbg alsa-lib-dbg formfactor-dev pointercal-xinput-dbg connman-dbg 
libpng16-dbg libusb-1.0-dbg libxxf86vm-dbg libxdamage-dbg wpa-supplicant-dbg 
opkg-arch-config-dev packagegroup-core-x11-sato-dev xmodmap-dev 
libmenu-cache-dbg libgudev-1.0-dbg libpixman-1-dev modutils-initscripts-dev 
libxi-dev libsbc-dev libxcb-dbg puzzles-dev libcroco-dbg xmodmap-dbg 
pciutils-dbg ncurses-dbg xinput-dbg libxv-dbg gconf-dev init-ifupdown-dbg 
libnl-3-dev pa
 ckagegroup-base-usbgadget-dev xhost-dbg libxcb-util-dbg 
packagegroup-core-device-devel-dbg libdmx-dev base-files-dbg libepoxy-dev 
gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-dev pulseaudio-dbg libatk-bridge-2.0-dev 
libxkbcommon-dbg wayland-dev wayland-dbg gst-examples-dbg libgcc-s-dbg 
xserver-xf86-config-dbg hicolor-icon-theme-dbg pcmanfm-dbg libxcomposite-dbg 
util-linux-dbg xinput-calibrator-dbg opkg-arch-config-dbg ofono-dbg l3afpad-dbg 
libxmu-dbg xset-dev distcc-dev libxcomposite-dev avahi-dev 
matchbox-keyboard-dbg libmenu-cache-dev target-sdk-provides-dummy-dbg 
libxfixes-dbg xinput-calibrator-dev libfm-extra-dbg mtdev-dev alsa-lib-dev 
libpng16-dev eudev-dev libxv-dev libfontconfig-dev nfs-export-root-dbg 
packagegroup-core-nfs-server-dbg libatspi-dev glibc-locale-dbg alsa-utils-dbg 
libcairo-dbg xinput-dev libevdev-dev libxext-dev libgnutls-dev attr-dbg 
flac-dev acl-dbg xz-dev libspeexdsp-dbg matchbox-terminal-dev 
xf86-input-libinput-dbg libwebp-dbg iptables-dev xset-dbg libxxf86dga-dbg ncur
 ses-dev sysvinit-dbg formfactor-dbg libatspi-dbg libfreetype-dbg 
libgpg-error-dbg libvorbis-dbg xserver-xorg-dev libpcre2-dbg libsndfile-d
Collected errors:
 * Solver encountered 1 problem(s):
 * Problem 1/1:
 *   - package openssh-dev-7.6p1-r0.i586 requires openssh = 7.6p1-r0, but none 
of the providers can be installed
 * Solution 1:
 *   - allow deinstallation of packagegroup-core-ssh-dropbear-1.0-r1.all

 *   - do not ask to install a package providing dropbear-dev

 *   - do not ask to install a package providing 

 * Solution 2:
 *   - do not ask to install a package providing openssh-dev

Appendix 2: PACKAGE_CLASSES = "package_deb"

WARNING: core-image-sato-1.0-r0 do_populate_sdk: Unable to install packages. 
  install --force-yes --allow-unauthenticated nettle-dev busybox-dbg 
distcc-config-dev libnfsidmap-dbg alsa-plugins-dbg attr-dbg libspeex-dev 
libmenu-cache-dbg libxi-dev settings-daemon-dbg wireless-tools-dbg 
xcursor-transparent-theme-dbg libnl-3-dev pciutils-dev libsbc-dbg 
libxcomposite-dev libmb-dbg libnfsidmap-dev glibc-locale-dbg 
gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-dev ca-certificates-dbg libdrm-dev libffi-dev 
libsndfile-dev orc-dev libspeexdsp-dev shutdown-desktop-dbg libnss-mdns-dev 
libunistring-dev xdpyinfo-dev packagegroup-core-nfs-server-dev nfs-utils-dbg 
openssl-dbg settings-daemon-dev libcairo-dev libgpg-error-dbg gstreamer1.0-dbg 
libfakekey-dbg matchbox-panel-2-dbg util-linux-dbg libtool-dev libreadline-dbg 
libxcb-dev packagegroup-core-ssh-dropbear-dbg libusb-1.0-
 dev libpng16-dbg packagegroup-base-alsa-dbg libfm-extra-dbg eudev-dev 
libpixman-1-dev libxtst-dev alsa-lib-dev matchbox-wm-dev libogg-dev 
pciutils-dbg pcmanfm-dbg packagegroup-core-x11-sato-apps-dev vte-dev 
libdbus-glib-1-dev libice-dev libpcre2-dev packagegroup-core-x11-utils-dev 
sato-screenshot-dbg xinput-dbg libxcomposite-dbg packagegroup-base-nfs-dev 
alsa-utils-dev sato-screenshot-dev libgdk-pixbuf-2.0-dev alsa-state-dbg 
flac-dbg dbus-dev shared-mime-info-dbg libatk-1.0-dev packagegroup-base-nfs-dbg 
sysvinit-dev packagegroup-base-bluetooth-dbg libxrandr-dbg libtag-dev 
wayland-dbg netbase-dev dpkg-dbg mtdev-dev sudo-dbg libgpg-error-dev 
libtirpc-dbg libxv-dev libxext-dev packagegroup-distro-base-dbg xset-dbg 
xf86-video-vmware-dbg flac-dev matchbox-theme-sato-dev perl-dev libtirpc-dev 
librsvg-2-dev packagegroup-machine-base-dbg libffi-dbg libxau-dev 
opkg-utils-dbg libxft-dbg libdmx-dbg wpa-supplicant-dev 
packagegroup-machine-base-dev libxau-dbg attr-dev matchbox-terminal-d
 bg shared-mime-info-dev libpciaccess-dbg dropbear-dbg libmb-dev libwebp-dev 
run-postinsts-dbg xf86-input-libinput-dbg libpng16-dev libgles2-mesa-dev 
gconf-dbg libxmu-dev xinput-calibrator-dev libstartup-notification-1-dbg 
xdpyinfo-dbg libxxf86dga-dbg packagegroup-core-x11-utils-dbg bluez5-dbg 
xset-dev libxdmcp-dev libexif-dev libcap-dbg libsm-dbg nfs-export-root-dbg 
libexpat-dbg libpcre-dbg libxcursor-dev target-sdk-provides-dummy-dev xauth-dbg 
libharfbuzz-dbg packagegroup-base-ipv6-dbg libgcrypt-dev xrandr-dev 
matchbox-keyboard-dev libxxf86dga-dev libgnutls-dev rpcbind-dev shadow-dev 
base-passwd-dbg nfs-utils-dev sysvinit-inittab-dev packagegroup-base-ipv6-dev 
libxtst-dbg libgudev-1.0-dev libevdev-dbg packagegroup-core-x11-base-dev 
packagegroup-base-dev libexif-dbg apt-dev libspeexdsp-dbg kmod-dbg 
matchbox-session-sato-dev libsqlite3-dev libxxf86misc-dev xhost-dev libxi-dbg 
consolekit-dbg psplash-dbg pulseaudio-client-conf-sato-dev libxkbcommon-dev 
 -info-dev udev-extraconf-dbg packagegroup-core-nfs-server-dbg l3afpad-dbg 
packagegroup-core-ssh-dropbear-dev libgmp-dbg sudo-dev libpopt-dev bluez5-dev 
libxinerama-dev libxshmfence-dev v86d-dbg libdbus-glib-1-dbg xserver-xorg-dbg 
busybox-dev libevent-dbg packagegroup-core-x11-xserver-dev shadow-securetty-dev 
packagegroup-distro-base-dev bash-dev libcairo-dbg openssl-dev 
nfs-export-root-dev bzip2-dev xserver-xf86-config-dev connman-conf-dbg 
connman-dev libevdev-dev libxfont2-dev libfontconfig-dev libinput-dbg 
libfontenc-dev ca-certificates-dev connman-dbg gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-dbg 
matchbox-terminal-dev shadow-dbg libxdmcp-dbg shutdown-desktop-dev 
packagegroup-core-boot-dbg libdrm-dbg xinput-calibrator-dbg alsa-utils-dbg 
libxdamage-dev xcursor-transparent-theme-dev libstartup-notification-1-dev 
alsa-state-dev packagegroup-base-zeroconf-dbg connman-gnome-dev 
glib-networking-dbg packagegroup-core-x11-sato-games-dev 
packagegroup-base-usbgadget-dbg libjpeg-dbg xhost-dbg util-l
 inux-dev matchbox-wm-dbg mini-x-session-dbg packagegroup-base-zeroconf-dev 
packagegroup-core-boot-dev xmodmap-dbg libxinerama-dbg vte-dbg 
Reading package lists...
Building dependency tree...
Reading state information...
Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have
requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable
distribution that some required packages have not yet been created
or been moved out of Incoming.
The following information may help to resolve the situation:

The following packages have unmet dependencies:
 openssh-dev : Depends: openssh (= 7.6p1-r0) but it is not going to be installed
               Recommends: libcrypto-dev but it is not installable
               Recommends: openssh-keygen-dev but it is not installable
               Recommends: openssh-misc-dev but it is not installable
               Recommends: openssh-scp-dev but it is not installable
               Recommends: openssh-sftp-dev but it is not installable
               Recommends: openssh-sftp-server-dev but it is not installable
               Recommends: openssh-ssh-dev but it is not installable
               Recommends: openssh-sshd-dev but it is not installable
               Recommends: openssl10-dev but it is not installable
               Recommends: shadow-sysroot-dev but it is not installable
               Recommends: update-alternatives-opkg-dev but it is not 
E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.

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