On 01/02/18 09:19 AM, Burton, Ross wrote:
On 1 February 2018 at 14:17, Daniel F. Dickinson <csho...@thecshore.com
<mailto:csho...@thecshore.com>> wrote:
On 01/02/18 09:12 AM, Burton, Ross wrote:
On 1 February 2018 at 14:10, Daniel F. Dickinson
<csho...@thecshore.com <mailto:csho...@thecshore.com>
<mailto:csho...@thecshore.com <mailto:csho...@thecshore.com>>>
On 01/02/18 08:54 AM, Burton, Ross wrote:
On 1 February 2018 at 13:44, Daniel F. Dickinson
A distribution can set other recipe's PACKAGECONFIGs directly:
PACKAGECONFIG_pn-recipename = "foo bar"
And distributions are welcome to bundle groups of those into inc
files for the user to pull in as required at the distro level.
I wonder if it'd be useful to have some .inc's of this variety added
and included (commented out) in the poky-tiny distro default local.conf?
Included and enabled if they make sense, sure. poky-tiny is, like
everything poky-specific, just an example.
It already has one:
PACKAGECONFIG_remove_pn-opkg-utils = "python"
Sorry, apparently I wasn't clear. What I meant was having (either in
poky or in a more appropriate place) .inc or classes that do
PACKAGECONFIG for common sets of packages for various "tiny" use cases
(e.g. router, nas firmware (v.s os on data disks), ap, small iot devices
, etc), which may involve a lot of partitioning of existing packages to
allow for smaller (tiny) builds that include only the relevant
functionality. I'm not sure what the situation is for oe-core, but when
I look at meta-openwrt it is much less partitioned than say actual
openwrt base system, and makes a number of 'bigger' choices than
openwrt. What I'd like to work on is making it easier to build pared
down OE systems (whether poky-tiny reference design 'flavours',
meta-openwrt/oe hybrids, or (basically) openwrt build with oe/meta-openwrt).
In the case of the .inc's etc I'm thinking of this as 'pre-cooked'
references designs like poky-tiny itself; Perhaps a better place for
this is as comments in poky-tiny's distro .conf? (Or as proof-of-concept
distro layers based on poky-tiny and and listed in the layers index?)
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