On 18 January 2018 at 15:02, Böszörményi Zoltán <zbos...@pr.hu> wrote:

> 2018-01-18 13:38 keltezéssel, Ross Burton írta:
>> This changes the cmake class to use Ninja instead of Make by default.
> Can we still use "oe_runmake [-C subdir] target" with Ninja or
> is it considered a broken build and forced to use the "Unix Makefiles"
> generator?
> I have a working mariadb 10.2.12 recipe and the native build is trimmed
> down
> to the absolute necessary pieces:
> oe_runmake import_executables
> oe_runmake -C libmariadb

Because you're doing -C I suspect you'll need to force it to use makefiles
explicitly, but you can tell cmake what targets to build and the target
names are universal so if you can find a way of doing that without -C then
you can tell cmake to build the specific targets (OECMAKE_TARGET_COMPILE
and _INSTALL)  and then the choice of generator doesn't matter.

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