MACHINE = "qemux86-64"
require conf/multilib.conf
MULTILIBS = "multilib:lib32"
DEFAULTTUNE_virtclass-multilib-lib32 = "x86"

$ bitbake <image> -cpopulate_sdk_ext
$ bitbake <image> -ctestsdkext
Standard Output: /bin/sh: 1: i686-wrsmllib32-linux-gcc: not found

It was failed because no lib32 toolchain or lib installed.

This patch fixes:
* Set SDK_TARGETS correctly
* Return multilib depends in get_ext_sdk_depends()
* Write information to all environment-setup-* scripts.

Signed-off-by: Robert Yang <>
 meta/classes/populate_sdk_ext.bbclass | 72 +++++++++++++++++++++++------------
 1 file changed, 47 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-)

diff --git a/meta/classes/populate_sdk_ext.bbclass 
index 3826e08..07c7e82 100644
--- a/meta/classes/populate_sdk_ext.bbclass
+++ b/meta/classes/populate_sdk_ext.bbclass
 SDK_INHERIT_BLACKLIST ?= "buildhistory icecc"
+SDK_TARGETS ?= "${@multilib_pkg_extend(d, d.getVar('BPN', True))}"
 def get_sdk_install_targets(d, images_only=False):
     sdk_install_targets = ''
@@ -55,9 +55,11 @@ def get_sdk_install_targets(d, images_only=False):
     if not images_only:
         if d.getVar('SDK_INCLUDE_PKGDATA') == '1':
-            sdk_install_targets += ' meta-world-pkgdata:do_allpackagedata'
+            for pn in multilib_pkg_extend(d, 'meta-world-pkgdata').split():
+                sdk_install_targets += ' %s:do_allpackagedata' % pn
         if d.getVar('SDK_INCLUDE_TOOLCHAIN') == '1':
-            sdk_install_targets += ' meta-extsdk-toolchain:do_populate_sysroot'
+            for pn in multilib_pkg_extend(d, 'meta-extsdk-toolchain').split():
+                sdk_install_targets += ' %s:do_populate_sysroot' % pn
     return sdk_install_targets
@@ -600,40 +602,55 @@ SDK_PRE_INSTALL_COMMAND_task-populate-sdk-ext = 
 sdk_ext_postinst() {
        printf "\nExtracting buildtools...\n"
        cd $target_sdk_dir
-       printf "buildtools\ny" | ./${SDK_BUILDTOOLS_INSTALLER} > buildtools.log 
|| { printf 'ERROR: buildtools installation failed:\n' ; cat buildtools.log ; 
echo "printf 'ERROR: this SDK was not fully installed and needs 
reinstalling\n'" >> $env_setup_script ; exit 1 ; }
+       env_setup_scripts="`ls $target_sdk_dir/environment-setup-*`"
+       ./${SDK_BUILDTOOLS_INSTALLER} -d buildtools -y > buildtools.log
+       if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+               echo 'ERROR: buildtools installation failed:'
+               cat buildtools.log
+               for e in $env_setup_scripts; do
+                       echo "echo 'ERROR: this SDK was not fully installed and 
needs reinstalling'" >> $e
+               done
+               exit 1
+       fi
        # Delete the buildtools tar file since it won't be used again
        # We don't need the log either since it succeeded
        rm -f buildtools.log
-       # Make sure when the user sets up the environment, they also get
-       # the buildtools-tarball tools in their path.
-       echo ". $target_sdk_dir/buildtools/environment-setup*" >> 
-       # Allow bitbake environment setup to be ran as part of this sdk.
-       echo "export OE_SKIP_SDK_CHECK=1" >> $env_setup_script
-       # Work around runqemu not knowing how to get this information within 
the eSDK
-       echo "export 
 d.getVar('TMPDIR'))}" >> $env_setup_script
+       for e in $env_setup_scripts; do
+               # Make sure when the user sets up the environment, they also get
+               # the buildtools-tarball tools in their path.
+               echo ". $target_sdk_dir/buildtools/environment-setup*" >> $e
-       # A bit of another hack, but we need this in the path only for devtool
-       # so put it at the end of $PATH.
-       echo "export 
PATH=$target_sdk_dir/sysroots/${SDK_SYS}${bindir_nativesdk}:\$PATH" >> 
+               # Allow bitbake environment setup to be ran as part of this sdk.
+               echo "export OE_SKIP_SDK_CHECK=1" >> $e
-       echo "printf 'SDK environment now set up; additionally you may now run 
devtool to perform development tasks.\nRun devtool --help for further 
details.\n'" >> $env_setup_script
+               # Work around runqemu not knowing how to get this information 
within the eSDK
+               echo "export 
 d.getVar('TMPDIR'))}" >> $e
-       # Warn if trying to use external bitbake and the ext SDK together
-       echo "(which bitbake > /dev/null 2>&1 && echo 'WARNING: attempting to 
use the extensible SDK in an environment set up to run bitbake - this may lead 
to unexpected results. Please source this script in a new shell session 
instead.') || true" >> $env_setup_script
+               # A bit of another hack, but we need this in the path only for 
+               # so put it at the end of $PATH.
+               echo "export 
PATH=$target_sdk_dir/sysroots/${SDK_SYS}${bindir_nativesdk}:\$PATH" >> $e
+               echo "printf 'SDK environment now set up; additionally you may 
now run devtool to perform development tasks.\nRun devtool --help for further 
details.\n'" >> $e
+               # Warn if trying to use external bitbake and the ext SDK 
+               echo "(which bitbake > /dev/null 2>&1 && echo 'WARNING: 
attempting to use the extensible SDK in an environment set up to run bitbake - 
this may lead to unexpected results. Please source this script in a new shell 
session instead.') || true" >> $e
+       done
        if [ "$prepare_buildsystem" != "no" ]; then
-               printf "Preparing build system...\n"
+               echo "Preparing build system..."
                # dash which is /bin/sh on Ubuntu will not preserve the
                # current working directory when first ran, nor will it set $1 
                # sourcing a script. That is why this has to look so ugly.
-               sh -c ". buildtools/environment-setup* > $LOGFILE && cd 
$target_sdk_dir/`dirname ${oe_init_build_env_path}` && set $target_sdk_dir && . 
$target_sdk_dir/${oe_init_build_env_path} $target_sdk_dir >> $LOGFILE && python 
$target_sdk_dir/ $LOGFILE '${SDK_INSTALL_TARGETS}'" || { echo 
"printf 'ERROR: this SDK was not fully installed and needs reinstalling\n'" >> 
$env_setup_script ; exit 1 ; }
-               rm $target_sdk_dir/
+               sh -c ". buildtools/environment-setup* > $LOGFILE && cd 
$target_sdk_dir/`dirname ${oe_init_build_env_path}` && set $target_sdk_dir && . 
$target_sdk_dir/${oe_init_build_env_path} $target_sdk_dir >> $LOGFILE && python 
$target_sdk_dir/ $LOGFILE '${SDK_INSTALL_TARGETS}'"
+               if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+                       for e in $env_setup_scripts; do
+                               echo "echo 'ERROR: this SDK was not fully 
installed and needs reinstalling'" >> $e
+                       done
+                       exit 1
+               fi
+               rm -f $target_sdk_dir/
        echo done
@@ -661,12 +678,17 @@ fakeroot python do_populate_sdk_ext() {
 def get_ext_sdk_depends(d):
     # Note: the deps varflag is a list not a string, so we need to specify 
     deps = d.getVarFlag('do_image_complete', 'deps', False)
-    pn = d.getVar('PN')
-    deplist = ['%s:%s' % (pn, dep) for dep in deps]
+    deplist = []
+    for pn in multilib_pkg_extend(d, d.getVar('BPN')).split():
+        deplist += ['%s:%s' % (pn, dep) for dep in deps]
     tasklist ='do_image_complete', 'do_build', d)
     for task in tasklist:
         deplist.extend((d.getVarFlag(task, 'depends') or '').split())
+    for pn in multilib_pkg_extend(d, 'meta-extsdk-toolchain').split():
+         deplist += ['%s:do_populate_sysroot' % pn]
     return ' '.join(deplist)
 python do_sdk_depends() {
@@ -680,7 +702,7 @@ python do_sdk_depends() {
 addtask sdk_depends
 do_sdk_depends[dirs] = "${WORKDIR}"
-do_sdk_depends[depends] = "${@get_ext_sdk_depends(d)} 
+do_sdk_depends[depends] = "${@get_ext_sdk_depends(d)}"
 do_sdk_depends[recrdeptask] = "${@d.getVarFlag('do_populate_sdk', 
'recrdeptask', False)}"
 do_sdk_depends[recrdeptask] += "do_populate_lic do_package_qa 
do_populate_sysroot do_deploy ${SDK_RECRDEP_TASKS}"
 do_sdk_depends[rdepends] = "${@get_sdk_ext_rdepends(d)}"

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