On Tue, 2011-10-11 at 12:42 +0200, Koen Kooi wrote:
> In angstrom we have base-files overlayed to clean out /var and 
> files/fs-perms.txt is getting in the way of that:
> koen@dominion:/OE/tentacle/sources/openembedded-core/meta$ grep localstate 
> files/fs-perms.txt 
> ${localstatedir}/cache        link    volatile/cache
> ${localstatedir}/run  link    volatile/run
> ${localstatedir}/log  link    volatile/log
> ${localstatedir}/lock link    volatile/lock
> ${localstatedir}/tmp  link    volatile/tmp
> In angstrom those aren't symlinks anymore, but tmpfs bind mounts managed by 
> systemd.
> So, how doI overlay that file in this oe-core layer universe?

To quote package.bbclass:

        # Return a list of configuration files based on either the default
        # files/fs-perms.txt or the contents of FILESYSTEM_PERMS_TABLES
        # paths are resolved via BBPATH
        def get_fs_perms_list(d):
                str = ""
                fs_perms_tables = bb.data.getVar('FILESYSTEM_PERMS_TABLES', d, 
                if not fs_perms_tables:
                        fs_perms_tables = 'files/fs-perms.txt'
                for conf_file in fs_perms_tables.split():
                        str += " %s" % bb.which(bb.data.getVar('BBPATH', d, 
True), conf_file)
                return str

so it looks for a "files/fs-perms.txt" in BBPATH...



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