Yes, this should not be a problem, it is actually a good idea. I am currently 
running a test buid witth
the file created in ${WORKDIR}.
I will send a patch to ML soon.
From: Martin Jansa []
Sent: Saturday, August 19, 2017 1:25 AM
To: Bystricky, Juro
Cc: Patches and discussions about the oe-core layer; Richard Purdie; Joshua G 
Lock; Burton, Ross; Juro Bystricky
Subject: Re: [PATCH v3 01/11] reproducible_build.bbclass: initial support for 
binary reproducibility

Would it make sense to create src_date_epoch.txt outside ${S} directory?

In some recipes (which weren't picky what they install from ${S} to ${D}) I've 
noticed that src_date_epoch.txt is now included in their package (I've noticed, 
because 2 different packages were trying to install this file on the same path 
in rootfs).

Can we use temp or ${WORKDIR} for this file? ${S} might be also be completely 
archived with archiver.bbclass, not sure if you want src_date_epoch.txt part of 
that or not.


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