On Thu, 2011-09-29 at 18:04 +0000, McClintock Matthew-B29882 wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 3:26 AM, Richard Purdie
> <richard.pur...@linuxfoundation.org> wrote:
> > On Wed, 2011-09-28 at 23:20 -0500, Matthew McClintock wrote:
> >> bitbake does not return 0 when a build succeeds.
> >
> > Er, yes it does. If you're seeing something other than 0 its likely
> > because you're seeing ERROR messages?
> First off, this appears to have been fixed along the way. But I know I
> was getting a message like:
> [snip]
> NOTE: Tasks Summary: Attempted 133 tasks of which 0 didn't need to be
> rerun and 0 failed.

Can you file an enhancement bug to list the number of errors and
warnings shown in the summary please? :)

We need to make it more obvious how many warnings/errors are occurring
since errors change the exit code.

> Then it would stop after building pseudo-native. Maybe we should add a
> message to scripts/bitbake so we get an actual failure message when
> this occurs? Also, are these errors relevant if we built psuedo-native
> properly?

Hard to say without seeing what they were...



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