On Fri, Sep 23, 2011 at 11:12 AM, Otavio Salvador
<ota...@ossystems.com.br> wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 23, 2011 at 14:30, Richard Purdie
> <richard.pur...@linuxfoundation.org> wrote:
> ...
>> I don't really see the point of this. Basically you're asking that every
>> time there is a commit to the branch there is also a merge commit. You
>> can just as easily either force a checkout of master, or merge against
>> master with a one sided merge. Git doesn't have the confidence to do
>> that automatically but I'm pretty sure there is a simple way to tell git
>> to do a one sided merge...
> Not every time but at every release and point release.
> one sided merge make you lose all local changes you did. Doesn't seems
> a valid upgrade path but a "replace path".

I agree that we should do this, personally. I think there's almost
always value in merging things back to master on occasion, whether a
release branch or a stable branch or anything of the sort.
Christopher Larson
clarson at kergoth dot com
Founder - BitBake, OpenEmbedded, OpenZaurus
Maintainer - Tslib
Senior Software Engineer, Mentor Graphics

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