[YOCTO #1151]

Change the offset from the beginning of the disk to aligne the blocks.

In this script, we use mkfs.ext3 to create file system after partition, but we 
use mkpartfs to create file system repeatly,
and get some warnings about choose another specific tools to create file system 
for reliability.

So use mkpart instead of mkpartfs and only use mkfs.ext3 to create file system.

Signed-off-by: Mei Lei <lei....@intel.com>
 .../initrdscripts/files/init-install.sh            |    6 +++---
 1 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/initrdscripts/files/init-install.sh 
index b9d9029..5e6b81c 100644
--- a/meta/recipes-core/initrdscripts/files/init-install.sh
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/initrdscripts/files/init-install.sh
@@ -105,13 +105,13 @@ echo "Creating new partition table on /dev/${device} ..."
 parted /dev/${device} mklabel msdos
 echo "Creating boot partition on /dev/${device}1"
-parted /dev/${device} mkpartfs primary ext2 0 $boot_size
+parted /dev/${device} mkpart primary 1 $boot_size
 echo "Creating rootfs partition on /dev/${device}2"
-parted /dev/${device} mkpartfs primary ext2 $rootfs_start $rootfs_end 
+parted /dev/${device} mkpart primary $rootfs_start $rootfs_end
 echo "Creating swap partition on /dev/${device}3"
-parted /dev/${device} mkpartfs primary linux-swap $swap_start $disk_size
+parted /dev/${device} mkpart primary $swap_start $disk_size
 parted /dev/${device} print

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