On Aug 5, 2011, at 1:51 AM, Koen Kooi wrote:

> Op 5 aug. 2011, om 08:44 heeft Koen Kooi het volgende geschreven:
>> Op 5 aug. 2011, om 07:48 heeft Koen Kooi het volgende geschreven:
>>> Op 5 aug. 2011, om 07:32 heeft Saul Wold het volgende geschreven:
>>>> On 08/04/2011 10:28 PM, Koen Kooi wrote:
>>>>> Op 5 aug. 2011, om 04:23 heeft Saul Wold het volgende geschreven:
>>>>>> On 08/01/2011 04:08 AM, Koen Kooi wrote:
>>>>>>> Tested with gnome-icon-theme and libsoup recipes on angstrom.
>>>>>> But you did not test it against anything in oe-core, it has broken the 
>>>>>> build for connman-gnome and oprofileui, which use this bbclass.
>>>>>> The oe-core gnome-icon-theme does not include this class.
>>>>>> Please correct this.
>>>>>> Processing task-base-extended...
>>>>>> | error: Failed dependencies:
>>>>>> |        hicolor-icon-theme is needed by tasks-0.19-r0.armv5te
>>>>>> |        hicolor-icon-theme is needed by connman-gnome-0.5-r6.armv5te
>>>>>> |        hicolor-icon-theme is needed by 
>>>>>> oprofileui-server-0.0+git1+0c3c32fa754c1d0b70e65767ea7048914f776396-r4.armv5te
>>>>> So you found broken metadata. If tasks, connman-gnome and 
>>>>> oprofileui-server need hicolor-icon-theme, they should list it in their 
>>>>> RDEPENDS_${PN}. That is a seperate issue than what I fixed in the bbclass
>>>> Koen, the gtk-icon-cache.bbclass did contain that RDEPENDS, which you 
>>>> removed
>>> It wasn't removed, it was changed to only add the dependency when needed, 
>>> and by the looks of it it works. 
>>> Does the following patch work for you?
>>> diff --git a/meta/classes/gtk-icon-cache.bbclass 
>>> b/meta/classes/gtk-icon-cache.bbclass
>>> index d9b5d1b..1e65e06 100644
>>> --- a/meta/classes/gtk-icon-cache.bbclass
>>> +++ b/meta/classes/gtk-icon-cache.bbclass
>>> @@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
>>> FILES_${PN} += "${datadir}/icons/hicolor"
>>> +# OE can't resolve RDEPENDS added thru the python code below, so make sure 
>>> it has been built.
>>> +DEPENDS += "hicolor-icon-theme"
>>> +
>>> # This could run on the host as icon cache files are architecture 
>>> independent,
>>> # but there is no gtk-update-icon-cache built natively.
>>> gtk_icon_cache_postinst() {
>> I can answer that myself: no, it will cause a dependency loop
> And this one?
> +++ b/meta/classes/gtk-icon-cache.bbclass
> @@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
> FILES_${PN} += "${datadir}/icons/hicolor"
> +DEPENDS += "${@['hicolor-icon-theme', '']['${BPN}' == 'hicolor-icon-theme']}"

This fixes my issue with core-image-sato on mpc8315

- k

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