On 2011年07月22日 01:02, Saul Wold wrote:
On 07/21/2011 01:00 AM, Kang Kai wrote:
From: Kang Kai<kai.k...@windriver.com>

Hi Scott,

This is the current work of adding pam supports.

After update libpam to 1.1.4, we enable the packages pam support. And if the pacakge
doesn't have a pam configure file, import from Fedora.


Thanks for this work, you have already gotten some feedback, I have a few general comments to add that are across many of these patches, so I will note them here.

Whitespace: you seem to be using tabs instead of spaces, please check that you have spaces and your items are lined up. Yocto uses 4 spaces for python and bb recipes and tabs for shell scripts and shell functions in bb recipes.

As has already been noted in a couple of places, ensure that you only install things pam specific when the pam DISTRO_FEATURE is enabled, there are multiple places that need this (not just the ones already noted).

Worth noting here also make sure you check all your PR bumps are correct.

Hi Saul,

We will check the commits and send them again. Thanks for you comments.

Commit messages and comments for things to oe-core should talk about oe-core not yocto or poky as this upsets people ;-)

I am a little confused about this. Do you mean the commits about packages under directory meta/ should use word "oe-core" rather than Yocto? Would you like to tell me that how do you merge the commits, merge the commits to the oe-core master first and then merge the oe-core master to Yocto master or some branch?

At the same time, tests we did are based on core-image-sato/lsb. Should we test them again base on the image create by oe-core?

I am going to hold of on taking this series until you fix it up.



The following changes since commit fa4bcfdb73167f8159b88e5a4d711c0d37627a70:

bb-matrix: correct BB and PM number canonicalization (2011-07-14 22:23:09 +0100)

are available in the git repository at:
git://git.pokylinux.org/poky-contrib kangkai/distro

Kang Kai (5):
libpam: update to 1.1.4 and add subpackage xtests
cups: add pam support
screen: add pam support
sudo: add pam support
shadow: update pam related configure files

Wenzong Fan (2):
cronie: enable PAM support for cronie
at: enable pam support

Xiaofeng Yan (3):
dropbear: Support PAM
openssh: Support PAM
polkit: Support PAM

.../openssh/openssh-5.8p2/sshd | 10 +
meta/recipes-connectivity/openssh/openssh_5.8p2.bb | 7 +-
meta/recipes-core/dropbear/dropbear.inc | 6 +-
.../dropbear/dropbear/dropbear-enable-pam.patch | 21 +++
.../at/at-3.1.12/configure-add-enable-pam.patch | 23 +++
meta/recipes-extended/at/at-3.1.12/pam.conf.patch | 16 ++
meta/recipes-extended/at/at_3.1.12.bb | 13 +-
.../cronie/cronie/crond_pam_config.patch | 13 ++
meta/recipes-extended/cronie/cronie_1.4.7.bb | 9 +-
meta/recipes-extended/cups/cups_1.4.6.bb | 8 +-
.../pam/libpam/libpam-xtests.patch | 35 ++++
.../pam/{libpam_1.1.3.bb => libpam_1.1.4.bb} | 14 +-
.../polkit/polkit-0.101/polkit-1_pam.patch | 23 +++
meta/recipes-extended/polkit/polkit_0.101.bb | 6 +-
.../screen/screen-4.0.3/screen.pamd | 2 +
meta/recipes-extended/screen/screen_4.0.3.bb | 14 +-
.../shadow/files/shadow-update-pam-conf.patch | 175 ++++++++++++++++++++
meta/recipes-extended/shadow/shadow_4.1.4.3.bb | 5 +-
meta/recipes-extended/sudo/files/sudo.pamd | 6 +
meta/recipes-extended/sudo/sudo_1.8.1p2.bb | 11 +-
20 files changed, 389 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 meta/recipes-connectivity/openssh/openssh-5.8p2/sshd
create mode 100644 meta/recipes-core/dropbear/dropbear/dropbear-enable-pam.patch create mode 100644 meta/recipes-extended/at/at-3.1.12/configure-add-enable-pam.patch
create mode 100644 meta/recipes-extended/at/at-3.1.12/pam.conf.patch
create mode 100644 meta/recipes-extended/cronie/cronie/crond_pam_config.patch
create mode 100644 meta/recipes-extended/pam/libpam/libpam-xtests.patch
rename meta/recipes-extended/pam/{libpam_1.1.3.bb => libpam_1.1.4.bb} (85%) create mode 100644 meta/recipes-extended/polkit/polkit-0.101/polkit-1_pam.patch
create mode 100644 meta/recipes-extended/screen/screen-4.0.3/screen.pamd
create mode 100644 meta/recipes-extended/shadow/files/shadow-update-pam-conf.patch
create mode 100644 meta/recipes-extended/sudo/files/sudo.pamd

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