On 07/13/2011 07:01 PM, Mark Hatle wrote:
> On 7/13/11 8:44 PM, Tom Rini wrote:
>> On 07/13/2011 06:20 PM, Mark Hatle wrote:
>>> On 7/13/11 5:14 PM, Tom Rini wrote:
>>>> Hey all,
>>>> Do we have an opinion on siteinfo for recipes that oe-core lacks?  I
>>>> have two easy examples:
>>>> - mono: neither meta-oe nor oe-core have a recipe, we have siteinfo
>>>> stuff specific to it.  Ignore it? drop it?  update it with what meta-oe 
>>>> has?
>>>> - postgresql: meta-oe has it, oe-core lacks it.  Keep in meta-oe only?
>>> For both of them, I'd keep them as local to the recipe as possible.. no 
>>> recipe,
>>> no siteinfo listed.
>> Well, I think we're missing the forest for the trees.  But that's not
>> really a workable idea since it's sizeof this and that stuff.
>> To give you a third example, I've ported this commit over to oe-core:
>> http://git.openembedded.org/cgit.cgi/openembedded/commit/?id=bb12cd9c0a757e6ef696d57923821829f00ace79
> I think I wasn't clear.  What I meant was that the siteinfo stuff should be as
> close to the recipe as possible.  But that doesn't preclude it from being in a
> layer specific siteinfo file.

When you say close do you mean layer/site/ or
layer/recipes-foo/app/something/ ?  I saw oe-core had some sort of hook
for site files in yet another place but I also couldn't find anything
using it (in addition to the sitecache stuff).

> Keeping the information as local to recipe as possible helps with maintenance
> IMHO.  There is nothing worse then after a few years looking over a siteinfo
> file and seeing 100 entries and having no idea if they are still relevant, or
> how someone came to specific results.

Agreed, I'm toying with tossing all of the files out and seeing what's
needed now (since also there's useless stuff, and probably a few more
bugs lurking).

Tom Rini
Mentor Graphics Corporation

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