Op 1 jul 2011, om 13:52 heeft Anders Darander het volgende geschreven:

> * Koen Kooi Koen Kooi <k...@dominion.thruhere.net> [07/01/11 09:20 AM]:
>> Op 1 jul 2011, om 09:06 heeft Anders Darander het volgende geschreven:
>>> Also remove the other kernel24 references.
>>> Make everything dependent on kernel26 default.
>> Since there will be only one of each, can we just completely scrap there
>> variables and put the items directly in the tasks?
> Sure, we could do that.
> One question though, how should I treat 
> RRECOMMENDS_task-base-kernel26 = "\
>    kernel-module-nls-utf8 \
>    kernel-module-input \
>    kernel-module-uinput \
>    kernel-module-rtc-dev \
>    kernel-module-rtc-proc \
>    kernel-module-rtc-sysfs \
>    kernel-module-rtc-sa1100 \
>    kernel-module-unix"
> from task-base.bb? Should that part just be new, general
>    kernel-module-nls-utf8 \
>    kernel-module-input \
>    kernel-module-uinput \
>    kernel-module-rtc-dev \
>    kernel-module-rtc-proc \
>    kernel-module-rtc-sysfs \
>    kernel-module-rtc-sa1100 \
>    kernel-module-unix"?
> I guess that's the right thing, and I'll create a new pull request with that 
> merged into the last patch.

The above is what I had in mind, but I do question the need for rtc-sa1100 in 
task-base, that should be in the machine.conf as MACHINE_EXTRA_RRECOMMENDS or 
so. But that is outside the scope of this patch I guess.


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