On May 30, 2011 1:52 PM, "Koen Kooi" <k...@dominion.thruhere.net> wrote:
> Op 30 mei 2011, om 09:47 heeft Eric Bénard het volgende geschreven:
> > On 30/05/2011 09:33, Koen Kooi wrote:
> >> Op 30 mei 2011, om 09:19 heeft Eric Bénard het volgende geschreven:
> >>> On 30/05/2011 08:52, Koen Kooi wrote:
> >>>> As some of you might have seen already:
http://lwn.net/Articles/445223/ - linux 3.0 is going to happen.
> >>>>
> >>>> This means all the crufty "is it 2.4 or 2.6" checks are going to need
a rework :)
> >>>
> >>> Does supporting 2.4 kernels still makes sense in 2011 ?
> >>
> >> No, but I bet there are still checks present for that :) Or at least
references like modprobe.26.
> >
> > so can the fix be : remove any reference to the check and assume we are
using a 2.6/3.0 kernel ?
> That would get my vote!

My vote too.

I hope too be able too take a look at this, unless someone else has done it
by then. However, it'll be one or two weeks before I get the chance too look
into this. And then I won't be able to spend that much time on it, this out
might take a little while...

So it's quite likely that someone else will beat me to it.

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