On 05/19/2011 04:53 PM, Richard Purdie wrote:
On Wed, 2011-05-18 at 21:47 +0200, Simon Busch wrote:
On 18.04.2011 14:17, Gary Thomas wrote:
On 04/18/2011 05:34 AM, Koen Kooi wrote:

Op 18 apr 2011, om 13:28 heeft Richard Purdie het volgende geschreven:

On Mon, 2011-04-18 at 12:55 +0200, Koen Kooi wrote:
Martin did some Xorg cleanup in meta-oe today and we're seeing some
strange behaviour.  The recipe in question:

koen@dominion:/OE/tentacle/sources/meta-openembedded/meta-oe$ cat
BBCLASSEXTEND = "native nativesdk"

Bitbake-layers tells me:

INFO: libxrender_0.9.6.bb:

So the append is getting picked up, but bitbake gives me:

ERROR: Nothing PROVIDES 'libxrender-native'
NOTE: Runtime target 'libnss-mdns' is unbuildable, removing...
Missing or unbuildable dependency chain was: ['libnss-mdns',
'avahi', 'gtk+', 'gtk+-native', 'libxrender-native']

This is with HEAD of bitbake master.

I did some experimentation here and this looks like bitbake-layers is
seeing the file but bitbake is not. If I touch the libxrender .bb file
and then run bitbake -DDD, I see the file mentioned in the logs:

$ touch recipes-graphics/xorg-lib/libxrender_0.9.6.bb
$ bitbake libxrender-native -DDD | grep append
DEBUG: Appending .bbappend file
to /rphome/poky/meta/recipes-graphics/xorg-lib/libxrender_0.9.6.bb

Can you confirm you're seeing that? Admittedly I just hacked a local
checkout and I'm not using meta-oe.

I get:

koen@dominion:/OE/tentacle/build$ touch

koen@dominion:/OE/tentacle/build$ bitbake libxrender-native -DDD |
grep append
DEBUG: Appending .bbappend file

handle(data, include)

It then chokes on renderproto-native, which gets fixes by touching the
.bb. So it looks like bitbake has some caching issues.

I have seen exactly this behaviour.  Rebuilding the cache makes it
work.  Is there an easy way
to force the cache to rebuild?  (I just touch a .conf file...)

Do you need to add *.bbappend to BBFILES in layer.conf ?

I have that already :)

I discoverd the same behaviour today. Is there already something fix to
get bitbake to evaluate the bbappend file after creation?

Someone should file a bug about this so we don't forget about it. I
think bbappend files currently sometimes fall outside the cache logic
but they obviously shouldn't and we've found a corner case...

Done - bug #1091

Query: is there a command line way to force the cache to be rebuilt?
I just use the "big hammer" approach - touch local.conf

Gary Thomas                 |  Consulting for the
MLB Associates              |    Embedded world

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