On Tue, May 10, 2011 at 08:03:57PM +0100, Richard Purdie wrote:
> Martin/Tom: Serious question - why not use the contrib repo for this?

I have nothing against contrib repo and I'm using oe-core-contrib for
oe-core stuff, but I had gitorious repos for meta-oe before
meta-oe-contrib was created and now I didn't feel the need to change it
and update my modified meta-oe-create-pull-request header :) but I will
if you or koen find it better to pull from *-contrib (I'm pushing shr
branch there already anyways).

> I have nightmares about all the development being spread to all the
> corners of the globe and people not being able to see what is being
> worked on. For short lived branches its not so much of a problem but as
> we take on longer lived feature development it will be a problem. I'd
> therefore like to understand why the dislike of it...
> Cheers,


Martin 'JaMa' Jansa     jabber: martin.ja...@gmail.com
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