On 5/3/11 12:27 PM, Khem Raj wrote:
> On Mon, May 2, 2011 at 5:41 PM, Zhai, Edwin <edwin.z...@intel.com> wrote:
>> Did you installed Nvidia proprietary driver? Any error mesg from the runqemu
>> script?
> yes I did and I think that could be a culprit but then why would it
> work with nfs boot.
> there is no useful message from script it just collapses

The script tries to detect the nvidia drivers.  If it finds them is supposed to
issue a warning.  Sounds like your system might not have a version that it knows
how to detect.

>> I can't figure out one case that nfs root works and ext3 image doesn't...

Good question, I don't know.  In my experience both NFS and ext3 root crashes
with the nvidia drivers.  I have a patch to the version of QEMU I use that
disables all of GL to work around the problem.

I believe it's mhatle/qemu on poky-contrib... but it hasn't been updated for a
while now.


>> Khem Raj wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> I am seeing qemu segfaulting when booting ext3 image. The same rootfs
>>> boots fine over nfs. It does not give any useful message
>>> as to what happened. I am using the runqemu script. Same used to work
>>> fine 3 weeks back. I tried to blame compilers but the behavior
>>> is same irrespective of gcc version I use or even eglibc/uclibc
>>> Its on x86_64/ubuntu 11.04 host.
>>> Anyone experiencing it ? bisecting can be a long excercise for this.
>>> Thanks
>>> -Khem
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