
At the face to face OE TSC meeting we talked over the "branding" issues
on OE-Core and what we were going to do about removing many of the poky

This email represents a turning point for OE-Core as it marks the first
pass of rebranding and is based on decisions the TSC made at that
meeting. I'm not going to claim its 100% complete yet but it does give
us a good start at it. From this point on, I'll be taking patches from
people to assist with this. The key changes I've made so far are:

* poky-init-build-env -> oe-init-build-env
* poky-image-* -> core-image-*
* task-poky-* -> task-core-*
* git.pokylinux.org -> git.yoctoproject.org
* poky-qemu -> runqemu
* Sanitised local.conf.sample from Poky references
* Renamed scrips/poky-* to scripts/oe-*
* Renamed the poky-sb override to linuxstdbase
* Made sanity versions weak assignment

The intention is to make OECore distro-less, i.e. the defaults should
produce a working configuration without setting a DISTRO. This isn't
possible yet and work remains to be done on this. As such I've not
focused on the distro configuration files for this round of the cleanup
and many of those remain.

I have intentionally ignored "poky" references in patches (such as in
the comments). These will filter out in time and are harmless, patches
changing this just constitute noise and I'm going to ignore them. I have
also ignored the POKY override used in the rpm tools. This will change
over time but I'd like the rpm backend developers + maintainer to handle
that transition separately.

Documentation is now in the yocto-docs repository.

I've included the list of remaining references I'm still working through
at the end of this email (there are about 275 of them left).

Let me know if there are any problems and patches further working on
this are welcome but I am going to spend further time on it tomorrow. I
thought this point was complete enough to get some feedback on though.



Remaining "poky" file names:


Remaining "Poky" references:

./README.hardware:or over the network. Writing poky generated images to 
physical media is
./README.hardware:     b. Copy the contents of the poky image to the USB-ZIP 
mode device:
./meta/classes/insane.bbclass:            fo = 
tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='wb', prefix='poky.', suffix='.tmp', 
./meta/classes/license.bbclass:# Populates LICENSE_DIRECTORY as set in 
poky.conf with the license files as set by
./meta/classes/license.bbclass:    # Directory we store the generic licenses as 
set in poky.conf
./meta/classes/cmake.bbclass:set( CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${OECMAKE_C_FLAGS}" CACHE 
./meta/classes/cmake.bbclass:set( CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${OECMAKE_CXX_FLAGS}" CACHE 
./meta/classes/package_rpm.bbclass:     echo "${platform}-poky-linux-gnu" > 
./meta/classes/package_rpm.bbclass:     cmd = cmd + " --nodeps --short-circuit 
--target " + pkgarch + "-poky-linux-gnu --buildroot " + pkgd
./meta/recipes-devtools/rpm/rpm_5.4.0.bb:rpm_macros = 
./meta/recipes-devtools/rpm/rpm_5.4.0.bb:rpm_macros_virtclass-native = 
./meta/recipes-devtools/installer/adt-installer/adt_installer:  #echo_info "# 
Install poky metadata:\t$YOCTOADT_METADATA"
./meta/recipes-core/tasks/task-core-tools.bb:# MIPS and qemu ARMv5te that poky 
uses now.
./meta/recipes-core/initrdscripts/files/init-install.sh:              echo 
"Found drive at /dev/${device}. Do you want to install poky there ? [y/n]"
./meta/recipes-core/feed-config/poky-feed-config-opkg_1.0.bb:   #        echo 
"src/gz ${FEEDNAMEPREFIX}-$arch http://pokylinux.org/${FEEDURIPREFIX}$arch"; >> 
./meta/recipes-graphics/matchbox-session/matchbox-session_0.1.bb:DESCRIPTION = 
"Custom MB session files for poky"
./meta/recipes-graphics/matchbox-wm/matchbox-wm/kbdconfig:### poky additions
./meta/recipes-gnome/gtk+/gtk+.inc:BASE_RRECOMMENDS_poky = 
"gdk-pixbuf-loader-png gdk-pixbuf-loader-jpeg gdk-pixbuf-loader-gif 
gdk-pixbuf-loader-xpm shared-mime-info"
./meta/recipes-sato/pimlico/contacts.inc:DEPENDS_append_poky = " libowl"
./meta/recipes-sato/pimlico/contacts.inc:OWL_poky = "--enable-owl"
./meta/recipes-sato/pimlico/contacts.inc:SRC_URI_append_poky = " 
file://contacts-owl-window-menu.patch;apply=yes "
./meta/recipes-sato/pimlico/tasks.inc:DEPENDS_append_poky = " libowl"
./meta/recipes-sato/pimlico/tasks.inc:OWL_poky ?= "--enable-owl"
./meta/recipes-sato/pimlico/dates.inc:OWL_poky = "--enable-owl --disable-dnd"
./meta/recipes-sato/pimlico/dates.inc:DEPENDS_append_poky = " libowl"
./meta/recipes-sato/pimlico/dates.inc:SRC_URI_append_poky = " 
file://dates-owl-window-menu.patch;apply=yes "
./meta/recipes-sato/pimlico/tasks_0.18.bb:OWL_poky = "--with-owl"
./meta/recipes-sato/sato-icon-theme/sato-icon-theme_0.4.1.bb:SRC_URI = 
"http://pokylinux.org/releases/sato/${BPN}-${PV}.tar.gz \
./meta/recipes-sato/leafpad/leafpad_0.8.18.1.bb:DEPENDS_append_poky = " libowl"
./meta/recipes-sato/leafpad/leafpad_0.8.18.1.bb:SRC_URI_append_poky += " 
file://owl-menu.patch;apply=yes "
./meta/recipes-sato/matchbox-sato/matchbox-session-sato_0.1.bb:DESCRIPTION = 
"Custom MB session files for poky"
--config-source=xml::$D${sysconfdir}/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults --direct --type 
string --set /desktop/poky/interface/theme Sato
--config-source=xml::$D${sysconfdir}/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults --direct --type 
string --set /desktop/poky/interface/icon_theme Sato
--config-source=xml::$D${sysconfdir}/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults --direct --type 
bool --set /desktop/poky/interface/touchscreen true
./meta/recipes-sato/matchbox-sato/matchbox-session-sato_0.1.bb:    gconftool-2 
--config-source=xml::$D${sysconfdir}/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults --direct --type 
string --set /desktop/poky/interface/font_name "Sans 6"
./meta/recipes-sato/matchbox-sato/matchbox-session-sato_0.1.bb:    gconftool-2 
--config-source=xml::$D${sysconfdir}/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults --direct --type 
string --set /desktop/poky/interface/font_name "Sans 9"
./meta/recipes-sato/matchbox-theme-sato/matchbox-theme-sato_0.1.bb:SRC_URI = 
./meta/recipes-sato/puzzles/oh-puzzles_svn.bb:DEPENDS_append_poky = " libowl"
./meta/recipes-sato/puzzles/oh-puzzles_svn.bb:SRC_URI_append_poky = " 
file://oh-puzzles-owl-menu.patch;patch=1;pnum=0 "
./meta/recipes-sato/pcmanfm/pcmanfm_0.9.8.bb:DEPENDS_append_poky = " libowl"
./meta/recipes-sato/pcmanfm/pcmanfm_0.9.8.bb:SRC_URI_append_poky = " 
./meta/conf/bitbake.conf:SDK_VENDOR = "-pokysdk"
./meta/conf/bitbake.conf:MAINTAINER = "Yocto Project Team 
./meta/conf/distro/poky-bleeding.conf:require conf/distro/poky.conf
 = "local; no comment; poky doesn't have full gtk-doc support, and eggdbus 
itself references AM_CONDITIONAL in Makefile.am earlier before configure script 
is run"
 = "use poky environment variables"
 = "green"
 = "not done"
 = "1.0"
 = "base utils"
 = "n/a"
 = "n/a"
 = "local scripts follow Poky's MIT license"
 = "Sep 20, 2010"
 = "Qing He <qing...@intel.com>"
 = "change /bin/bash to /bin/sh in passwd.master; another specific poky tweak"
 = "change home for root user in passwd.master; perhaps a poky specific tweak; 
oe even has other root-home patch for different configurations"
 = "use poky toolchain instead of host"
 = "use poky environment variables"
 = "green"
 = "green"
 = "1.0"
 = "Dongxiao Xu <dongxiao...@intel.com>"
 # poky local source files
 # per poky git log
 = "Do not upgrade to version: 2.91.4 because it requires gtk+ >= 2.90.0 and 
the stable version of gtk+ used by poky is 2.20.1"
./meta/conf/distro/include/poky-external.inc:TARGET_VENDOR = "-poky"
 = "external-poky-toolchain"
 = "external-poky-toolchain"
 = "external-poky-toolchain"
 = "external-poky-toolchain"
 = "external-poky-toolchain"
 = "external-poky-toolchain"
 = "external-poky-toolchain"
 = "external-poky-toolchain"
 = "external-poky-toolchain"
./meta/conf/distro/include/poky-external.inc:PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/libc = 
= "external-poky-toolchain"
 = "external-poky-toolchain"
= "external-poky-toolchain"
 = "external-poky-toolchain"
./meta/conf/distro/include/poky-oabi.inc:TARGET_VENDOR = "-poky"
./meta/conf/distro/include/poky-default.inc:TARGET_VENDOR = "-poky"
./meta/conf/distro/poky.conf:DISTRO = "poky"
./meta/conf/distro/poky.conf:MAINTAINER = "Poky <p...@yoctoproject.org>"
./meta/conf/distro/poky.conf:# TARGET_VENDOR ?= "-poky"
./meta/conf/distro/poky.conf:require conf/distro/include/poky-${POKYMODE}.inc
./meta/conf/distro/poky.conf:require conf/distro/include/poky-${POKYLIBC}.inc
./meta/conf/distro/poky.conf:EXTRAOPKGCONFIG = "poky-feed-config-opkg"
./meta/conf/distro/poky.conf:# This is a list of packages that are used by poky 
to build the distribution, they are not
./meta/conf/layer.conf:require conf/distro/include/poky-default-revisions.inc
./meta/lib/oe/distro_check.py:    tmpfile = 
tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='wb', prefix='poky.', suffix='.tmp', 
./README:see the Poky website http://pokylinux.org.
./scripts/poky-setup-rpmrepo:   # either in an in-tree poky scenario or the 
./scripts/runqemu:      # either in an in-tree poky scenario or the environment
./scripts/runqemu.README:There are two scripts, runqemu and runqemu, one for 
use within poky, 
./scripts/runqemu.README:image built by poky.
./scripts/runqemu-internal:    PSEUDO_LOCALSTATEDIR=~/.poky-sdk/pseudo
./scripts/poky-gen-tapdevs:touch /etc/poky-nosudo
./scripts/README:This directory contains Various useful scripts for working 
with poky
./scripts/oe-buildenv-internal:    echo >&2 "Error: The bitbake directory 
($BITBAKEDIR) does not exist!  Did you source the script in the poky directory?"
./scripts/poky-export-rootfs:if [ ! -d ~/.poky-sdk ]; then
./scripts/poky-export-rootfs:   mkdir -p ~/.poky-sdk
./scripts/poky-extract-sdk:     echo "Usage: $0 <poky-sdk-tarball> 
./meta-demoapps/recipes-gnome/abiword/abiword.inc:EXTRA_OECONF = " 
--enable-embedded=poky    \
./README.hardware:                          Poky Hardware README
./README.hardware:This file gives details about using Poky with different 
hardware reference
./README.hardware:looking in the meta/conf/machine/ directory. If in doubt 
about using Poky with
./README.hardware:To simplify development Poky supports building images to work 
with the QEMU
./README.hardware:Use of the QEMU images is covered in the Poky Reference 
Manual. The Poky
./README.hardware:The following boards are supported by Poky's core layer:
./README.hardware:For more information see the board's section below. The Poky 
MACHINE setting
./README.hardware:The following consumer devices are supported by Poky's core 
./README.hardware:For more information see the device's section below. The Poky 
MACHINE setting
./README.hardware:     # mkimage -A arm -O linux -T script -C none -a 0 -e 0 -n 
"Poky Minimal" -d ./serial-boot.cmd ./boot.scr
./README.hardware:    the Poky build tmp/deploy directory, and make them 
available on your tftp
./meta/classes/toolchain-scripts.bbclass:# a Poky IDE to integrate with the 
build tree
./meta/classes/imagetest-qemu.bbclass:    Test Controller for Poky Testing.
./meta/classes/sanity.bbclass:    bb.fatal(""" Poky's config sanity checker 
detected a potential misconfiguration.
./meta/classes/sanity.bbclass:        messages = messages + 'Poky requires at 
least Python 2.6 to run. Please update your Python interpreter.\n'
./meta/classes/sanity.bbclass:            messages = messages + "Poky has 
noticed your version of local.conf was generated from an older version of 
local.conf.sample and there have been updates made to this file. Please compare 
the two files and merge any changes before continuing.\nMatching the version 
numbers will remove this message.\n\"meld conf/local.conf 
conf/local.conf.sample\" is a good way to visualise the changes.\n"
./meta/classes/sanity.bbclass:            messages = messages + "Poky has 
noticed your version of bblayers.conf was generated from an older version of 
bblayers.conf.sample and there have been updates made to this file. Please 
compare the two files and merge any changes before continuing.\nMatching the 
version numbers will remove this message.\n\"meld conf/bblayers.conf 
conf/bblayers.conf.sample\" is a good way to visualise the changes.\n"
./meta/classes/sanity.bbclass:                messages = messages + "Poky has 
noticed your version of site.conf was generated from an older version of 
site.conf.sample and there have been updates made to this file. Please compare 
the two files and merge any changes before continuing.\nMatching the version 
numbers will remove this message.\n\"meld conf/site.conf 
conf/site.conf.sample\" is a good way to visualise the changes.\n"
./meta/classes/sanity.bbclass:        messages = messages + "Error, you have an 
invalid character (+) in your COREBASE directory path. Please move Poky to a 
directory which doesn't include a +."
./meta/classes/sanity.bbclass:        messages = messages + "Error, you have a 
space in your COREBASE directory path. Please move Poky to a directory which 
doesn't include a space."
./meta/classes/staging.bbclass:        bb.fatal("Legacy staging found for %s as 
it has a do_stage function. This will need conversion to a do_install or often 
simply removal to work with Poky" % bb.data.getVar("FILE", d, True))
./meta/classes/poky-image.bbclass:# Common for Poky images
./meta/classes/poky-image.bbclass:# IMAGE_FEATURES control content of images 
built with Poky.
./meta/recipes-devtools/rpm/rpm/rpm-no-loop.patch:Due to Poky packages owning 
all of the directories they use, a large
./meta/recipes-devtools/rpm/rpm/rpm-nrescan.patch:number of self-referencing 
dependencies within Poky.  100 seem reasonable.
./meta/recipes-devtools/qemu/qemu-helper-native_1.0.bb:DESCRIPTION = "Qemu 
helper utilities from Poky"
./meta/recipes-devtools/qemu/qemu-helper-nativesdk_1.0.bb:DESCRIPTION = "Qemu 
helper scripts from Poky"
./meta/recipes-devtools/autoconf/autoconf-2.65/config_site.patch:Poky provides 
a list of site files in CONFIG_SITE whereas autoconf 
./meta/recipes-core/busybox/busybox-1.17.3/run-parts.in.usr-bin.patch:# Poky 
doesn't have debianutils, but let's keep it for safety
./meta/recipes-core/meta/external-poky-toolchain.bb:            echo "The Poky 
toolchain could not be found in ${prefix}!"
./meta/recipes-core/tasks/task-core-sdk.bb:DESCRIPTION = "Software Development 
Tasks for OpenedHand Poky"
./meta/recipes-core/tasks/task-core-nfs.bb:DESCRIPTION = "NFS tasks for Poky"
./meta/recipes-core/tasks/task-core-tools.bb:DESCRIPTION = "Tools tasks for 
./meta/recipes-core/tasks/task-core-ssh-dropbear.bb:DESCRIPTION = "Dropbear SSH 
task for Poky"
./meta/recipes-core/tasks/task-core-ssh-openssh.bb:DESCRIPTION = "OpenSSH SSH 
task for Poky"
./meta/recipes-core/tasks/task-core-boot.bb:DESCRIPTION = "Task for OpenedHand 
Poky - minimal bootable image"
./meta/recipes-core/eglibc/ldconfig-native-2.12.1/ldconfig.patch:+  fprintf 
(stream, "ldconfig (Hacked Poky Version)\n");
./meta/recipes-core/initrdscripts/files/init-install.sh:echo "title 
Poky-Netbook" >> /ssd/boot/grub/menu.lst
./meta/recipes-core/glib-2.0/glib-2.0/configure-libtool.patch:# Poky renames 
libtool to $host_alias-libtool.
./meta/recipes-core/feed-config/poky-feed-config-opkg_1.0.bb:DESCRIPTION = 
"Poky example feed configuration"
 is obsolate in poky. Poky currently use Xserver from X.org (X11R7.x), which 
puts lib in standard /usr/lib, so no need to specify the extra 
-L/usr/X11R6/lib. Meanwhile, the -L/usr/X11R6/lib will cause warning: library 
search path "/usr/X11R6/lib" is unsafe for cross-compilation. so better to 
remove it.
./meta/recipes-graphics/tasks/task-core-clutter.bb:DESCRIPTION = "Clutter Tasks 
for OpenedHand Poky"
= "Gnome Mobile And Embedded Software Development Kit for OpenedHand Poky"
./meta/recipes-gnome/tasks/task-core-sdk-gmae.bb:DESCRIPTION = "Gnome Mobile 
And Embedded Software Development Kit for OpenedHand Poky"
./meta/recipes-qt/tasks/task-core-qt.bb:DESCRIPTION = "Qt Tasks for Poky"
./meta/recipes-sato/pimlico/dates.inc:# Poky/Sato specific enhancements
./meta/recipes-sato/tasks/task-core-x11-sato.bb:DESCRIPTION = "Sato Tasks for 
./meta/recipes-sato/tasks/task-core.bb:DESCRIPTION = "Tasks for OpenedHand Poky"
./meta/conf/bitbake.conf:# default is fakeroot but in Poky we use pseudo
./meta/conf/local.conf.sample:# Uncomment and change to cache the files Poky 
downloads in an alternative
./meta/conf/local.conf.sample:# Uncomment and change to cache Poky's built 
staging output in an alternative
./meta/conf/distro/include/poky-external-csl2006q3.inc:# Poky configuration to 
use external CSL 2006q3-27 toolchain (ARM EABI)
./meta/conf/distro/include/poky-external-csl2007q3.inc:# Poky configuration to 
use external CSL 2007q3-51 toolchain (ARM EABI)
./meta/conf/distro/include/poky-oabi.inc:# Poky configuration to use its 
Original (Old) Softfloat ABI
./meta/conf/distro/include/poky-default.inc:# Poky's default configuration
./meta/conf/distro/include/poky-external-csl2008q3.inc:# Poky configuration to 
use external CSL 2008q3-72 toolchain (ARM EABI)
./meta/conf/distro/include/poky-eabi-csl2005q3-2.inc:# Poky configuration to 
use CSL 2005q3-2 derived toolchain (ARM EABI)
./meta/conf/distro/poky.conf:#@TYPE: Distribution#@NAME: Poky
./meta/conf/distro/poky.conf:#@DESCRIPTION: Distribution configuration for the 
Yocto Project build by Poky
./meta/conf/distro/poky.conf:DISTRO_NAME = "Yocto (Built by Poky 4.0)"
./meta/conf/distro/poky.conf:MAINTAINER = "Poky <p...@yoctoproject.org>"
 PowerTop in Poky in dump mode (with --dump) always ends with a
./meta/lib/oe/distro_check.py:    distro_exceptions = dict({"Poky":'Poky', 
"OpenedHand":'OpenedHand', "Intel":'Intel', "Upstream":'Upstream', 
"WindRiver":'Windriver', "OSPDT":'OSPDT Approved'})
./meta/recipes-support/apr/apr/buildconf_fix.patch:Remove the new libtool 
detection method to avoid config failure. Poky's libtool
./meta/recipes-extended/sat-solver/sat-solver/sat-solver_poky.patch:Fix "arch" 
integration with Poky.
./meta/recipes-extended/sat-solver/sat-solver/db5.patch:version.  The system 
version in Poky is available at /usr/include/db51
./meta/recipes-extended/lsb/lsb_1.4.bb:DESCRIPTION = "LSB support for Poky 
./README:Poky platform builder is a combined cross build system and development 
./README:Poky has an extensive handbook, the source of which is contained in
./README:see the Poky website http://pokylinux.org.
./README:Additional information on the specifics of hardware that Poky supports
./oe-init-build-env:# Poky Build Enviroment Setup Script
./scripts/runqemu:# Handle running Poky images standalone with QEMU
./scripts/runqemu.README:Poky images with QEMU
./scripts/runqemu.README:Poky can generate qemu bootable kernels and images 
with can be used 
./scripts/runqemu.README:QEMU outside Poky (runqemu)
./scripts/runqemu.README:QEMU within Poky (runqemu)
./scripts/runqemu-internal:# Handle running Poky images under qemu
./scripts/runqemu-ifup:# be run as root, and will use the tunctl binary from a 
Poky sysroot.
./scripts/runqemu-ifup:# the need to use Poky's version.
./scripts/poky-gen-tapdevs:# use the tunctl binary from a Poky sysroot. Note: 
many Linux distros
./scripts/poky-gen-tapdevs:# support the group permissions option, hence the 
need to use Poky's
./scripts/poky-gen-tapdevs:     echo "<native-sysroot-basedir> is the path to 
Poky's native sysroot"
./scripts/oe-buildenv-internal:# Poky Build Enviroment Setup Script
./scripts/poky-setup-builddir:# Poky Build Enviroment Setup Script
./scripts/poky-setup-builddir:You had no conf/local.conf file. Poky has created 
this configuration file for
./scripts/poky-setup-builddir:Also, for more information see the Poky Reference 
./scripts/poky-setup-builddir:You had no conf/bblayers.conf file. Poky has 
created this configuration file for
./scripts/poky-setup-builddir:For more information see the Poky Reference 
./scripts/poky-setup-builddir:### Shell environment set up for Poky builds. ###
./scripts/runqemu-ifdown:# from a Poky sysroot. 
./scripts/poky-export-rootfs:    echo "Did you forget to source your Poky 
environment script?"
./scripts/poky-extract-sdk:    echo "Did you forget to source your Poky 
environment script?"
./scripts/poky-find-native-sysroot:# Find a native sysroot to use - either from 
an in-tree Poky build or
./scripts/poky-find-native-sysroot:     echo "Did you forget to source the Poky 
environment script?"
./LICENSE:Different components of Poky are under different licenses (a mix of 
./meta/classes/toolchain-scripts.bbclass:       echo 'export 
./meta/classes/toolchain-scripts.bbclass:       echo 'export 
./meta/classes/toolchain-scripts.bbclass:       echo 'export 
./meta/classes/toolchain-scripts.bbclass:       echo 'export 
./meta/classes/toolchain-scripts.bbclass:       echo 'export 
./meta/classes/toolchain-scripts.bbclass:       echo 'export 
./meta/classes/poky-image.bbclass:POKY_BASE_INSTALL = '\
./meta/classes/poky-image.bbclass:    ${POKY_EXTRA_INSTALL} \
./meta/classes/poky-image.bbclass:POKY_EXTRA_INSTALL ?= ""
./meta/classes/poky-image.bbclass:IMAGE_INSTALL ?= "${POKY_BASE_INSTALL}"
./meta/recipes-graphics/images/core-image-clutter.bb:    ${POKY_BASE_INSTALL} \
 = "${POKYLIBC}"
 = "${POKYLIBC}-initial"
 ?= "${POKYLIBC}-nativesdk"
 = "${POKYLIBC}-intermediate"
./meta/conf/distro/poky.conf:# Set by POKYMODE instead
./meta/conf/distro/poky.conf:POKYMODE ?= "default"
./meta/conf/distro/poky.conf:require conf/distro/include/poky-${POKYMODE}.inc
./meta/conf/distro/poky.conf:POKYLIBC ?= "eglibc"
./meta/conf/distro/poky.conf:require conf/distro/include/poky-${POKYLIBC}.inc
./meta/conf/distro/poky.conf:SDK_NAME = 
./meta/conf/distro/poky.conf:CACHE = 
"${TMPDIR}/cache/${POKYMODE}-${POKYLIBC}${@['', '/' + 
str(bb.data.getVar('MACHINE', d, 1))][bool(bb.data.getVar('MACHINE', d, 
1))]}${@['', '/' + str(bb.data.getVar('SDKMACHINE', d, 
1))][bool(bb.data.getVar('SDKMACHINE', d, 1))]}"
./meta/conf/distro/poky.conf:POKY_EXTRA_RDEPENDS = "task-core-boot"
./meta/conf/distro/poky.conf:POKY_EXTRA_RDEPENDS_qemuarm = "qemu-config"
./meta/conf/distro/poky.conf:POKY_EXTRA_RDEPENDS_qemuarmv6 = "qemu-config"
./meta/conf/distro/poky.conf:POKY_EXTRA_RDEPENDS_qemuarmv7 = "qemu-config"
./meta/conf/distro/poky.conf:POKY_EXTRA_RDEPENDS_qemux86 = "qemu-config"
./meta/conf/distro/poky.conf:POKY_EXTRA_RDEPENDS_qemux86-64 = "qemu-config"
./meta/conf/distro/poky.conf:DISTRO_EXTRA_RDEPENDS += "${POKY_EXTRA_RDEPENDS}"
./meta/recipes-extended/images/core-image-basic.bb:#    ${POKY_BASE_INSTALL} 
./meta/recipes-extended/images/core-image-lsb-sdk.bb:    ${POKY_BASE_INSTALL} \
./meta/recipes-extended/images/core-image-lsb-dev.bb:    ${POKY_BASE_INSTALL} \
./meta/recipes-extended/images/core-image-lsb.bb:    ${POKY_BASE_INSTALL} \
./scripts/oe-buildenv-internal:export BB_ENV_EXTRAWHITE="MACHINE DISTRO 
POKYMODE POKYLIBC http_proxy ftp_proxy https_proxy all_proxy ALL_PROXY no_proxy 
./scripts/poky-export-rootfs:   if [ "x$POKY_DISTRO_VERSION" = "x" ]; then
./scripts/poky-find-native-sysroot:    if [ "x$POKY_DISTRO_VERSION" = "x" ]; 

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