Hi Srdjan,

  The Open Babel source code is available at 
https://github.com/openbabel/openbabel . 

Use the green button labeled "<> Code" to get the source code either through 
the git version control tool, or as a zip file.

The UFF implementation is also available through the web interface at 


  For those who only follow the Open Babel list, the author sent a similar 
email to the RDKit mailing list and seems to have not edited it fully for the 
new context. I've done that too.

> On Sep 11, 2024, at 11:16, Srdjan Pusara <srdjan.pus...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have noticed that openbabel can return atom UFF/MMFF94 atom types, and 
> knowing atom types is first step to compute energy or do energy minimization. 
> However, I am still trying to find a table with all parameters and how these 
> equations were implemented.
> I have also noticed that Rdkit can return force field parameters between 
> group of atoms (bond_params = 
> rdForceFieldHelpers.GetUFFBondStretchParams(mol, 6, 1),angle_params = 
> rdForceFieldHelpers.GetUFFAngleBendParams(mol, 0, 1, 2) etc).
>   I would like to ask is it possible to find source code how these 
> interaction terms were implemented? I understand that these equations can be 
> implemented by reading original paper(s), but it would be helpful to access 
> the source code od Openbabel where these interaction terms are already 
> implemented.  In addition, I have noticed that original UFF paper has some 
> small errors or typos, so having already implemented source code would help.

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