> I either start from SMILES and/or add atoms and bonds to an obmol object.
> I can change the tetrahedral stereochemistry of the molecules with ease,
> but I can't seem to do it for cis/trans isomers.

> I tried to change the configuration of the OBStereoFacade for the bond in
> question, but it did nothing.
> I tried rotating the atoms around the bond and minimizing the
> molecule, but nothing.

If you start from a SMILES string, you can easily change the stereoisomers
around a double bond by changing the ‘/‘ or ‘\’ characters as needed.

If you’re modifying the underlying coordinates, you will need to make sure
stereo is re-perceived from the 3D coordinates, as indicated in the manual:

"If operations are performed on the molecule that require stereo is be
reperceived, then OBMol::SetChiralityPerceived(false) should be called.”

Best regards,

Prof. Geoffrey Hutchison
Department of Chemistry
University of Pittsburgh
tel: (412) 648-0492
email: geo...@pitt.edu
web: https://hutchisonlab.org/
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