Dear Openbabel Community: We will be holding a webinar tomorrow, 2 pm, CET on youtube live to introduce our frontend SaaS for quantum mechanics called *ConstruQt* <>. As Openbabel is an essential element under the hood supporting our structure enumerations, we thought you would be interested to join us.
Please sign-up here <> . We hope to see you there. We would also be delighted to set up individual meetings to show what ConstruQt can do for you and your team by contacting <> us. Best regards, Peter Jarowski, PhD Co-founder and Director The ChemAlive Team ChemAlive <> is leading in innovative digital chemistry solutions with focus on physics based predictive analytics and the development of new software tools to drive chemical discovery. -- Peter Jarowski, Ph. D. CEO / Co-founder ChemAlive SA - Quantum Chemistry for All Twitter: @SAChemAlive <> LinkedIn: Web: Try our Interface: <> <> MassChallenge Switzerland <> Gold Winners Stage 3 Climate-KIC <> Winners
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