Thank you Andrew, your script does the job.

Apparently, this was the original behaviour of OB back in 2011, then it has
been preferred to write H as atoms instead (

I would include your script under GPL license if you don't mind.
Thank you

Il giorno mer 22 feb 2023 alle ore 11:12 Andrew Dalke <> ha scritto:

> On Feb 21, 2023, at 19:23, Thomas <> wrote:
> > Is it possible to get SMILES with explicit hydrogens as a "property" of
> another atom?
> > For example from the SMILES "CC" I'd like to get '[CH3][CH3]' instead of
> '[H]C(C([H])([H])[H])([H])[H]'
> I don't see a direct way to do it.
> I wrote to_H_smiles() at
> which
> I think does what you want.
> In short, I add an atom class to each atom, generate the SMILES with the
> 'a' option to include the atom class. As a side-effect, this also include
> the H3 terms you're looking for. I then post-process the output SMILES to
> adjust the atom classes, either to remove them (if the original atom didn't
> have an atom class) or to use the original input value.
> > Furthermore, is it possible to generate SMARTS? For example from "CC"
> I'd like to get '[#6]-[#6]'
> I don't know of one, though that doesn't mean there isn't one.
>                                 Andrew
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