Thank you Noel, the -a option solved my issue.

I made a program that fragments molecular structures by fragmenting the
SMILES string instead of the actual structure. Therefore, the resulting
SMILES fragments can be a bit messed up, still I want them to match the
original structure.
Furthermore, the SMILES that I use as input are already processed by a
chemical platform (called Vega), so for consistency sake I should not
modify the information.

Il giorno dom 19 feb 2023 alle ore 18:32 Noel O'Boyle <>
ha scritto:

> It would be useful to know what problem you are trying to solve here.
> OB does not support canonical Kekule SMILES, if you expect different
> resonance forms to give the same canonical Kekule SMILES. Of course, you
> can just write out an canonical aromatic SMILES, read it back in, and then
> write it out in Kekule form (no need for canonical option).
> Regarding the second question, I don't know where you got that SMILES
> from, but if you go to,
> and paste the SMILES into the SMILES box, and the SMARTS pattern into the
> SMARTS box, you will not see a match either. Both software by default apply
> the Daylight aromaticity model (as best they can) leading to the bridging O
> and C being aromatic.
> $ obabel -:"O=C(NCCN(C)C)c1cccc2C(=O)c3ccccc3(Oc12)" -osmi
> O=C(NCCN(C)C)c1cccc2c(=O)c3ccccc3oc12
> Note the lowercase 'o' and 'c' - this is why the SMARTS won't match. I
> don't recommend it unless you know what you're doing, but OB can preserve
> whatever aromaticity is in the input using the "a" input option to SMILES:
> $ obabel -:"O=C(NCCN(C)C)c1cccc2C(=O)c3ccccc3(Oc12)" -osmi -aa
> O=C(NCCN(C)C)c1cccc2C(=O)c3ccccc3Oc12
> Note that the uppercase 'O' and 'C' is preserved. Here's proof that it
> matches the SMARTS:
> $ obabel -:"O=C(NCCN(C)C)c1cccc2C(=O)c3ccccc3(Oc12)" -s
> "c1cccc2Cc3ccccc3(Oc12)" -osmi
> 0 molecules converted
> $ obabel -:"O=C(NCCN(C)C)c1cccc2C(=O)c3ccccc3(Oc12)" -s
> "c1cccc2Cc3ccccc3(Oc12)" -osmi -aa
> O=C(NCCN(C)C)c1cccc2C(=O)c3ccccc3Oc12
> Regards,
> Noel
> On Fri, 17 Feb 2023 at 18:50, Thomas <> wrote:
>> Thank you Noel.
>> I wanted to get the canonical SMILES, without changing the aromaticity of
>> the input SMILES:
>> mol = pybel.readstring('smi',
>> 'O=C(NCCN(C)C)C1=CC=CN2C(=O)c3ccccc3(N=C12)')
>> mol.write(opt={"k": True, 'c':True})
>> 'CN(CCNC(=O)C1=CC=CN2C1=NC1C=CC=CC=1C2=O)C\t\n'
>> mol.write(opt={'c':True})
>> 'CN(CCNC(=O)c1cccn2c1nc1ccccc1c2=O)C\t\n'
>> Furthermore, can you explain me this:
>> mol = pybel.readstring('smi', "O=C(NCCN(C)C)c1cccc2C(=O)c3ccccc3(Oc12)")
>> sma = pybel.Smarts("c1cccc2Cc3ccccc3(Oc12)")
>> sma.obsmarts.Match(mol.OBMol, True)
>> False
>> Thank you again
>> Thomas
>> Il giorno ven 17 feb 2023 alle ore 18:37 Noel O'Boyle <
>>> ha scritto:
>>> Hi Thomas,
>>> OB does not sanitize molecules when reading from SMILES (or any other
>>> format). By default it writes aromatic SMILES though, but it sounds like
>>> you want Kekule SMILES - see the obabel -Hsmi for the list of options. In
>>> this case you want 'k':
>>> $ obabel -:"O=C1C=COC(=C1(O))C" -xk -osmi
>>> O=C1C=COC(=C1O)C
>>> In Python, this is something like mol.write(opt={"k:" True}).
>>> Neither does it add Hs. A SMILES string exactly specifies the number of
>>> Hs on each atom; this is preserved on reading/writing. If you could provide
>>> information on a specific case, we could explain what's happening more
>>> clearly.
>>> Regards
>>> Noel
>>> On Fri, 17 Feb 2023 at 16:18, Thomas <> wrote:
>>>> Is there an option to avoid sanitization of a molecule when reading
>>>> from SMILES?
>>>> For example I'd like the SMILES to remain unchanged if I read and write
>>>> it:
>>>> mol = pybel.readstring('smi', 'O=C1C=COC(=C1(O))C')
>>>> mol.write()
>>>> O=c1ccoc(c1O)C
>>>> Beside kekulization issues, other unwanted sanitizations are the
>>>> addition of Hs if I generate the molecule from SMILES fragments (partial
>>>> SMILES)
>>>> Thank you
>>>> Thomas
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