Hello, I am a French doctorate student in my second year of thesis and I had some question regarding some problem for the installation of Openbabel in Python.
I work on molecular dynamics in the Laboratory of Theoretical Chemistry run by Pr. Jean-Philip PIQUEMAL and would like to install Openbabel for its utilisation in the Poltype software (https://biomol.bme.utexas.edu/tinkergpu/index.php/Poltype:Poltype#POLTYPE_1.14). I would need some precision of the installation of Openbabel with Python : * Is it possible to configure the installation of Openbabel 2.3.0 (the one needed for poltype) with Python 3.7, and if not what version of Openbabel and/or Python would you recommend ? (I linked a test of Poltype when we tried to use Openbabel 3.1 in python 3.7 but it was incompatible). * * How would you install Openbabel with Python bindings ? Thank you for your attention. DELOBELLE Quentin quentin3e...@hotmail.fr Doctorant 2ème année ED394 Equipe Biologie et Thérapeutiques du cancer Centre de Recherche Saint-Antoine - Bâtiment Kourilsky, 8ème étage Laboratoire de Chimie Théorique Barre 12-13 - Campus Pierre et Marie Curie - Sorbonne Université Envoyé à partir d’Outlook<http://aka.ms/weboutlook>
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