> For now I call OpenBabel through CMD commands and it works properly. But I 
> was trying to integrate the API into my R package. I found in the README file 
> from openbabel-2.4.1/scripts/R downloaded from your sourceforge repository a 
> way to build a package using the file “openbabelR.R”. The problem is that I 
> can not find the indicated file in the path.

First off, that's a really old version of Open Babel:

> With that problem I have some questions I hope you could help me to resolve 
> them:
> How can I import OpenBabel open functions into my R Package, or create an R 
> package with all OpenBabel functions?
> If I do that, will InChI, InChIKey and MACCS be available, of these should be 
> imported in another way?

Yes, the scripting bindings include InChI, etc.

You can build the R bindings, but you may find it easier to use ChemMineR / 
ChemineOB e.g 

Hope that helps,

Prof. Geoffrey Hutchison
Department of Chemistry
University of Pittsburgh
tel: (412) 648-0492
email: geo...@pitt.edu
twitter: @ghutchis
web: https://hutchisonlab.org/
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