Hi Chris,

Thanks for your reply!

I've discovered a python package, "mols2grid" that can create a grid of
molecular structures. It is based on RDKit:


However, it looks as if it might not be the easiest thing to set up.
Recently, I have been working with ChemAxon InstantJChem, and with this I
am getting close to the output that I am seeking.

Best regards,


On Thu, Mar 31, 2022 at 3:40 PM Christopher Mayer-Bacon <cmaye...@umbc.edu>

> Rudy,
> I know RDKit can output molecules as a grid of 2D structures, with several
> options for molecule size and stereo information. The functionality isn’t
> well-documented though, so I’m not sure if it can do all you described.
> The mailing list is usually pretty responsive (
> https://sourceforge.net/p/rdkit/mailman/rdkit-discuss/), so I suggest
> asking your question there.
> -Chris
> On Thu, Mar 31, 2022 at 3:31 PM Rudy Richardson <rjr...@umich.edu> wrote:
>> Can OpenBabel convert a multi-structure 3D SDF into a table (aka matrix
>> or grid) of 2D structures? I would like the 2D structures to convey
>> stereochemical information, e.g., via wedge bonds, and to include such
>> information for atropisomers (e.g., ortho-substituted biphenyls with
>> restricted rotation around the phenyl-phenyl bond). It would also be nice
>> to have color options (e.g., oxygen = red, nitrogen = blue, halogens =
>> green) and options to include hydrogens on heteroatoms but to exclude
>> explicit/implcit hydrogens otherwise.
>> In addition, I would like to be able to include selected data fields in
>> each cell along with the 2D structures (e.g., abbreviated name, MW,
>> biological activity).
>> Each of my SDF files has 90 - 100 structures and each structure has 4
>> data fields. I envision output of up to 5 pages with up to 20 structures
>> per page.
>> Ideally, it would be possible to output a vector-graphics file that could
>> either be directly imported into MS Word or PPT. Alternatively, it would be
>> good to output something like an SVG file that could be imported into
>> Inkscape or Adobe Illustrator for processing and then output in a format
>> that could be inserted into MS Word or PPT. If these formats would not be
>> possible, then another solution that would work for me would be to export
>> the grid as an Adobe PDF file.
>> I have tried various other programs (e.g., ChemOffice, ChemAxon
>> MarvinView, ChemAxon InstantJChem, DataWarrior, Molsoft ICM Browser, MOE,
>> and Schrodinger). Some of these come close to what I am seeking, but each
>> one has flaws.
>> Thanks.
>> Best regards,
>> Rudy
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> --
> -Christopher Mayer-Bacon (*he/him/his*)
> PhD student
> Department of Biological Sciences
> University of Maryland, Baltimore County
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