On Oct 22, 2021, at 10:40, Francesca Magarotto - 
francesca.magarot...@studio.unibo.it <francesca.magarot...@studio.unibo.it> 
> I need this file in TRIPOS MOL2 format, but I've read on the documentation 
> that mol2 is SYBYL MOL2 format. Are they the same?

Sybyl was a tool sold by Tripos. They are the same thing.

> For the conversion, I used the command: obabel -i smi inputfile.smi -o mol2 
> -O outputfile.mol2 --gen3D.
> I heve another question related to hydrogens atoms: I know that in SMILES 
> format hydrogens are not normally explicitly represented, but I need them in 
> order to perform docking and virtual screening.
> I didn't write the option -h in the command I used for the conversion, but 
> when I look at the graphic representation of some molecules I see the 
> hydrogens. It seems to me that (even without the -h option) the hydrogens are 
> added explicitly. 
> Is that correct? 

Sure looks like it.

% echo "C methane" > methane.smi

% cat methane.smi
C methane

% obabel -i smi methane.smi -o mol2 -O methane.mol2 --gen3D
1 molecule converted

% cat methane.mol2
 5 4 0 0 0

      1 C           0.9240   -0.0178    0.0625 C.3     1  UNL1       -0.0776
      2 H           2.0162   -0.0178    0.0625 H       1  UNL1        0.0194
      3 H           0.5599    0.4927    0.9568 H       1  UNL1        0.0194
      4 H           0.5599   -1.0475    0.0575 H       1  UNL1        0.0194
      5 H           0.5599    0.5014   -0.8268 H       1  UNL1        0.0194
     1     1     2    1
     2     1     3    1
     3     1     4    1
     4     1     5    1

I am far from an expert on the Open Babel internals, but checking the source, 
it looks like the AddHydrogen() is part of the gen3d() call:

% grep --context=3 AddHydrogen ./src/ops/gen3d.cpp

    // rule-based builder worked
    molCopy.AddHydrogens(false, false); // Add some hydrogens before running 

    if (speed == 5)
      return true; // done

> If someone has already used ZINC15 to download libraries,

I haven't done that.



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    • Re: [Open ... Andrew Dalke
      • [Open ... Francesca Magarotto - francesca.magarot...@studio.unibo.it

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