Dear Open Babel support team, I tried to protonate a ligand from a PDB file and save a protonated PDB that keeps the atom label (e.g.: C2A) and residue name. The PDB openbabel exported just leaves element type (e.g.: C) but not the original atom label (e.g.: C2A). And the residue name was changed to 'UNL' but not the original '4CO'. Detail:
I tried using both the command line: obabel XXX.pdb -o pdb -O XXX2.pdb --p 7.0 and also python API: mol = next(pybel.readfile('pdb', path)) mol.OBMol.AddHydrogens(False, True, ph) mol.write('pdb', out_path, overwrite=True) This is an original pdb line: ATOM 2 C2A 4CO 371 66.999 58.130 14.636 1.00 0.00 This is one after openbabel: HETATM 2 C UNL 1 66.999 58.130 14.636 1.00 0.00 C Is there any way I can keep the atom label at least? All the Best, Qianzhen
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