Hi, I'd like to use DiverseConfGen with added constraints to generate conformers with two atoms frozen, but am unable to fix those two atoms. The conformer generation tends to separate the fragments that I'm trying to keep bonded through the AtomConstraints. I have also tried fixing the bond distance, but had the same results.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you! Here is the Python code I'm using: atoms_to_freeze = [4, 28] ff = ob.OBForceField_FindType('gaff') constraints = ob.OBFFConstraints() for atom in ob.OBMolAtomIter(obmol): atom_id = atom.GetIndex() + 1 if atom_id in atoms_to_freeze: constraints.AddAtomConstraint(atom_id) ff.Setup(obmol, constraints) ff.DiverseConfGen(0.5, 1000000, 50, True) And here are the xyz coordinates of the input structure: C 2.2306000000 -0.9007800000 1.3044400000 C 0.9975100000 -0.1842600000 -0.7416200000 C 0.9909800000 -0.7804100000 0.5670700000 C -0.2684600000 -1.1716300000 1.2148300000 C -0.3205400000 -1.2549200000 2.7273600000 C -1.3744100000 -2.3674600000 -0.7473100000 C -2.8847800000 -2.4011500000 -0.9849700000 C -4.9723800000 -1.3362400000 -0.4760500000 C -3.2768100000 -0.1100000000 -1.6197100000 H 0.1777200000 -0.4051500000 3.1898800000 H 0.1980500000 -2.1541000000 3.0601100000 H -1.3676900000 -1.2875200000 3.0486500000 H -3.0828600000 -2.6825500000 -2.0354700000 H -3.3195800000 -3.1930800000 -0.3598300000 H -0.8945500000 -1.6276100000 -1.3846600000 H -1.9184600000 -2.2787900000 1.2478300000 H -0.9569200000 -3.3524200000 -0.9913500000 H -5.1741700000 -2.0734400000 0.3068300000 H -5.4532700000 -1.6796700000 -1.4098300000 H -5.4374200000 -0.3898000000 -0.1849900000 H -3.6969200000 0.8401500000 -1.2724100000 H -2.2029700000 0.0239300000 -1.7681800000 H -3.7380800000 -0.3543200000 -2.5938200000 N -1.1272800000 -2.0573300000 0.6532200000 N -3.5374100000 -1.1460400000 -0.6248800000 O 2.3594800000 -1.3587500000 2.4375600000 O -0.0043100000 0.2179800000 -1.3504700000 N -1.3208400000 0.5652100000 1.0538200000 O 2.1693700000 0.0367900000 -1.3857900000 C 3.4700300000 -0.3809100000 0.5862800000 C 3.3869200000 -0.5740500000 -0.9186600000 C 3.3868900000 -2.0503100000 -1.3146400000 H 4.3325300000 -2.5185000000 -1.0250800000 H 2.5702700000 -2.5890700000 -0.8259900000 H 3.2679300000 -2.1403600000 -2.3980900000 C 4.4954400000 0.1770200000 -1.6413000000 H 4.4498000000 1.2420200000 -1.3969500000 H 5.4730000000 -0.2135400000 -1.3431500000 H 4.3849900000 0.0640100000 -2.7235600000 H 4.3408600000 -0.8894400000 1.0079000000 H 3.5661200000 0.6915900000 0.8051100000 H -1.1247100000 0.6742400000 0.0532300000 H -2.3137800000 0.3521100000 1.1583600000 C -0.8597800000 1.7182700000 1.8241600000 H 0.2282700000 1.6113700000 1.9266500000 H -1.2831000000 1.6511100000 2.8316100000 C -1.1984800000 3.0715100000 1.1947900000 H -2.2913000000 3.1760100000 1.1415300000 C -0.6005700000 3.2995100000 -0.2012300000 H -0.8404500000 3.8646900000 1.8668700000 H -0.9639700000 2.5150600000 -0.8785100000 C 0.9270100000 3.2285700000 -0.1908600000 C -1.0684000000 4.6483600000 -0.7490600000 H -0.6794300000 4.8188900000 -1.7576500000 H -0.7146500000 5.4668500000 -0.1102900000 H -2.1613500000 4.7055400000 -0.7925200000 H 1.2968000000 2.2621500000 0.1650100000 H 1.3422400000 4.0120200000 0.4562600000 H 1.3247600000 3.3699100000 -1.2001900000 Thanks again, Alex
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