I face the same issue.

Em qua, 2 de dez de 2020 08:18, Antonio Jesús Banegas Luna <
ajbane...@ucam.edu> escreveu:

> Hello,
> I'm using obabel for converting smiles to 3d mol2 with --gen3D. However,
> when I run the command on another machine I get a different set of
> coordinates that make the rest of my script fail.
> I'd like to obtain always the same coordinates and I was wondering if
> obabel accepts a seed or something similar. I read about the OB_RANDOM_SEED
> variable but it doesn't work for me:
> $ export OB_RANDOM_SEED=42
> $ diff <(obabel -:CCC --gen3D -oxyz) <(obabel -:CCC --gen3D  -oxyz)
> Did anyone face the same issue? Any idea?
> Thanks
> --
> Antonio-J. Banegas-Luna, PhD
> Structural Bioinformatics and High Performance Computing Research Group 
> (BIO-HPC)ajbane...@ucam.edu
> http://orcid.org/0000-0003-1158-8877http://www.researcherid.com/rid/O-7331-2016https://scholar.google.es/citations?user=EWtHIUMAAAAJhttps://www.researchgate.net/profile/Antonio_Jesus_Banegas_Luna
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