Dear All:

First time post, not an engineer so looking for some hints.

The obabel command line tool using 2.4.1, 2.4.90 or 3.0.0 produces
beautiful SVGs from SMILES format via

obabel -:"SMILES" -o svg

However, when using the library Convert() function in our backend (v3.0.0)
the conversion is unable to deal with rings and is distorted (see image).

Our backendend function is written in Scala using the Java bindings and is

  def convert(input: String, inputFormat: String, outputFormat: String):
String = {
    mutex.synchronized {
      val conversion = new OBConversion
      val molecule = new OBMol
      conversion.SetInAndOutFormats(inputFormat, outputFormat)
      conversion.ReadString(molecule, input)

Perhaps I need certain options through the AddOption()? Any clues?

Best regards,

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