
I would like to generate conformers with constrained core fragment as fast as possible. I found this gist - https://gist.github.com/kylebarlow/1756ea399ba6bfee3c2d3d054c17c3a3 - it works as expected. One can supply a molecules and ids of moveable atom and get a set of conformers. I read that a new conformer generator was included in OB 3 (https://doi.org/10.1186/s13321-019-0372-5) which is faster and more reliable. But I could not find information in docs how to access it.   Did the new conformer generator replace Confab and DiverseConfGen calls the new generator by default? Or it has it own API? If it has its own API how to access it and can it be used for such a restricted conformer generation like in the gist above?
  Thank you!


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