Dear all, I am having some troubles in get some (supposedly straightforward) relaxations results. I want to relax a benzene molecule in xyz format (this is a test for more complex results). I tried both "obminimize" and "obabel --minimize", compiling the source code and the anaconda3 version.
In all cases I do get a different geometry with lower energy, but I can neither get the code to stop when the criteria is reached nor obtain a convergence message whatsoever. $ obabel -O --minimize --steps 500 --sd --ff UFF --log --crit 1e-4 ## --crit 1e0 gives the same result, log_001.txt $ obminimize -O --steps 500 --sd --ff UFF --crit 1e-4 In addition, In the obminimize case, I get an error message, zero charges and alternate +/- 0.15 partial charges, as shown below. ''' *** Open Babel Warning in ReadMolecule Problems reading an XYZ file: Cannot read the first line. ''' IDX CHARGE 1 0.000000 ... 12 0.000000 P A R T I A L C H A R G E S IDX CHARGE 1 -0.150000 2 0.150000 ... Could anyone explain what am I doing wrong? Thank you Marco ---------------------------- Marco Di Gennaro Toyota Motor Europe This e-mail may contain confidential information. If you are not an addressee or otherwise authorised to receive this message, you should not use, copy, disclose or take any action based on this e-mail. If you have received this e-mail in error, please inform the sender promptly and delete this message and any attachments immediately.
12 benzene example C 0.00000 1.40272 0.00000 H 0.00000 2.49029 0.00000 C -1.21479 0.70136 0.00000 H -2.15666 1.24515 0.00000 C -1.21479 -0.70136 0.00000 H -2.15666 -1.24515 0.00000 C 0.00000 -1.40272 0.00000 H 0.00000 -2.49029 0.00000 C 1.21479 -0.70136 0.00000 H 2.15666 -1.24515 0.00000 C 1.21479 0.70136 0.00000 H 2.15666 1.24515 0.00000
A T O M T Y P E S IDX TYPE RING 1 C_R AR 2 H_ NO 3 C_R AR 4 H_ NO 5 C_R AR 6 H_ NO 7 C_R AR 8 H_ NO 9 C_R AR 10 H_ NO 11 C_R AR 12 H_ NO S E T T I N G U P C A L C U L A T I O N S SETTING UP BOND CALCULATIONS... SETTING UP ANGLE CALCULATIONS... SETTING UP TORSION CALCULATIONS... SETTING UP OOP CALCULATIONS... SETTING UP VAN DER WAALS CALCULATIONS... S T E E P E S T D E S C E N T STEPS = 50 STEP n E(n) E(n-1) ------------------------------------ 0 44.709 ---- 10 44.27008 44.27014 20 44.26997 44.26997 30 44.26997 44.26997 40 44.26997 44.26997 50 44.26997 44.26997 ... 500 44.26997 44.26997
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