Hi all,

  I think I'm missing something simple in how I am trying to convert a FASTA 
file to SMILES:

% obabel -V
Open Babel 3.0.0 -- Mar 31 2020 -- 14:14:15
%  printf ">test\nA\n" > test.fasta
% obabel test.fasta -O test.smi
1 molecule converted
% cat test.smi

That means Open Babel interprets the sequence as double-stranded DNA (not 
protein), though it doesn't create any bonds.

% obabel -L fasta
One of the formats
fasta -- FASTA format
A file format used to exchange information between genetic sequence databases

Read Options e.g. -as
  1  Output single-stranded DNA
  t <turns>  Use the specified number of base pairs per turn (e.g., 10)
  s  Output single bonds only
  b  Disable bonding entirely

Write Options e.g. -xn
  n  Omit title and comments

Specification at: http://www.ebi.ac.uk/help/formats_frame.html

I tried to change the settings manually, and while I was able to switch to 
single-stranded DNA, I couldn't get the bonding to work:

% obabel test.fasta -O test.smi -a1b
1 molecule converted
% cat test.smi
% obabel test.fasta -O test.smi -as
1 molecule converted
% cat test.smi

A cursory look at the code doesn't reveal anything obviously wrong.

Perhaps it's me?


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