ok, fixed. I was using the wrong path. I've probably lost the last part of
the path somewhere...

Il giorno gio 2 apr 2020 alle ore 18:16 Thomas <odioidenti...@gmail.com> ha

> I've managed to build openbabel 3 with bindings to python 3 on a local
> install. Everything went smooth.
> This is my cmake command:
> cmake ../openbabel-3.0.0
> Still, after setting the PYTHONPATH:
> export PYTHONPATH=~/WORKSPACE/OpenBabel/openbabel-3.0.0_INSTALL
> I get error:
> >>> from openbabel import openbabel
> ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'openbabel'
> I don't know if it can be useful, but if I add this path instead (the
> "lib" sub-directory) to the PYTHONPATH i get this:
> export PYTHONPATH=~/WORKSPACE/OpenBabel/openbabel-3.0.0_INSTALL/lib
> >>> from openbabel import openbabel
> ImportError: cannot import name 'openbabel'
> >>> import openbabel
> >>> dir(openbabel)
> ['__doc__', '__loader__', '__name__', '__package__', '__path__',
> '__spec__']
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