I think this is a great initiative!

I like pretty much every single one of the ideas you proposed.

One thing I would like to add is the support for processing SMIRKS reactions, which would improve a lot the spectrum of applications of OpenBabel. In terms of popularity, it seems the topic appeared in the mailing list at least 31 times (not bad for a feature not implemented nor documented).

Currently, beside the supported for file format conversions, there is a very minimal functionality that is used for generating the protonation states (applying the transformations in phmodel.txt). When I tried to extend the pH model, I found several limitations which prevents the definition of more complex protonation states.

This would benefit also the tautomer generation, which might be another useful feature to have (we talked about this a while back). There are other open source projects such as MolVS that could provide inspiration and data for it.

I imagine the first one to be relatively complex, but the second one looks fairly simple (when looking at the MolVS template).

My 2 cents.


On 2020-03-26 11:16, Geoffrey Hutchison wrote:
As many of you may know, Open Babel is participating in Google Summer of Code 
2020. The last two years, we've been lucky to have Naruki working on the 
fragment-based builder in 3.0 as well as improvements in the not-quite-finished 
distance geometry builder.

If you know of students who might be interested in participating in GSoC 2020, 
it's not too late to apply. The deadline is March 31st and more details are 

Beyond that, it's probably a good time to ask for ideas, suggestions, pain 
points, etc. Let's say there are developers with time on their hands during 
this global pause.. What would you like to see added or changed with Open Babel?

I'd like to open the discussion, but also point people to the issue tracker on 

I have a few ideas:
- Improved bond order perception - we're finishing up something for this in my 
- A bullet-proof 3D coordinate generator
- Improved 2D depiction using the CoordGen library contributed to RDKit last 
year by Schrodinger


OpenBabel-Devel mailing list


 Stefano Forli, PhD

 Assistant Professor
 Center for Computational Structural Biology

 Dept. of Integrative Structural
 and Computational Biology, MB-112A
 The Scripps Research Institute
 10550  North Torrey Pines Road
 La Jolla,  CA 92037-1000,  USA.

    tel: +1 (858)784-2055
    fax: +1 (858)784-2860

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