
Thank you very much, this is very helpful.

For a quick description of DSSP please see:

All the best

On Sun, 1 Mar 2020, 09:27 Noel O'Boyle, <baoille...@gmail.com> wrote:

> atom.GetResidue() has the PDB information.
> for atom in ob.OBMolAtomIter(mol.OBMol):
>     residue = atom.GetResidue()
>     print("%d %s %s" % (residue.GetIdx(), residue.GetName(),
> residue.GetAtomID(atom)))
> Regarding addh(), I'm not sure what DSSP is.
> On Sun, 16 Feb 2020 at 15:40, Athanasios Anastasiou <
> athanastas...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello
>> I am trying to obtain some information from a PDB file, using openbabel,
>> but I find myself going in a roundabout way getting it....and this is not a
>> good sign, so I was wondering if I could get some help around the following
>> (?):
>> 1. Having read a PDB and obtained a reference to a pybel.Atom / OBAtom,
>> which attribute corresponds to the "Element Symbol" of the ATOM record?
>> Alternatively, what would be a generic way of inferring it from the "type"?
>> Is it always "[A-Z][a-z]*[0-9]+"?
>> 2. Alternatively to 1, how can I select all atoms that belong to a main
>> chain of a molecule?
>> 3. How close is the "addh()" function to the way the DSSP works? Once
>> "addh()" is called, hydrogens are added and their bond lengths are worked
>> out. Each "H" is marked as a "donor_h" and adjacent atoms are marked with
>> donor / acceptor attributes. However, that "H" appears to be attached only
>> on one side (to its donor) and the acceptor is flagged but not "attached".
>> Would I be too wrong if I run a "nearest neighbour that is also acceptor"
>> query and "attach" it myself? And if I was to do this wouldn't I now know
>> where the hydrogen bonds are and from the respective distances to all known
>> atoms, be able to work out its energy (?). (Just as DSSP does).
>> 4. There are H Bonds that are also flagged away from (what I think is)
>> the main chain of a molecule. In one example, there are two H that are
>> flagged as the hbond_donor_h's which are attached to a "Nam" (?) that is
>> marked as "donor". This in turn is attached to a C and that C is also
>> attached to an O. That O is marked as an "acceptor". What happens in that
>> case? Would I simply ignore that or attempt to still go ahead and infer a
>> bond?
>> All the best
>> thanOS
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