using OB I've encountered some rather unexpected behavior whentrying to use the 
--canonical flag: If I apply the babel (or obabel) command with the --canonical 
flag repeatedly to the same structure I get different results

e.g., if i start with a molecule can-gefitinib.xyz a small molecule drug with a 
fairly normal geometry(included below) and say:
prompt> /usr/local/babel3/bin/obabel -ixyz can-gefitinib.xyz -oxyz -O 
b3-1-can-gefitinib.xyz --canonical 
prompt> /usr/local/babel3/bin/obabel -ixyz b3-1-can-gefitinib.xyz -oxyz -O 
b3-2-can-gefitinib.xyz --canonical 
prompt> /usr/local/babel3/bin/obabel -ixyz b3-2-can-gefitinib.xyz -oxyz -O 
b3-3-can-gefitinib.xyz --canonical 
prompt> /usr/local/babel3/bin/obabel -ixyz b3-3-can-gefitinib.xyz -oxyz -O 
b3-4-can-gefitinib.xyz --canonical 
prompt> /usr/local/babel3/bin/obabel -ixyz b3-4-can-gefitinib.xyz -oxyz -O 
b3-5-can-gefitinib.xyz --canonical 

I find that the order of atoms in b3-1-can-gefitinib.xyz is different from that 
in  b3-2-can-gefitinib.xyzwhile  b3-1-can-gefitinib.xyz has the same order as  
b3-3-can-gefitinib.xyz, etc ...happens, both with version 2.4 and 3.
I tried this with mdl mol files and here the result is as expected (all files 
identical),so this might occur with xyz files only, but since no warning is 
issued when combiningxyz files and the  --canonical flag this is rather 

H         -0.10480       -5.19460       -0.98040
C          0.24530       -4.21620       -0.67490
N         -0.68720       -3.35590       -0.23500
N          1.57150       -3.99530       -0.77970
C         -0.21040       -2.15190        0.13380
C          2.01390       -2.78280       -0.40280
N         -1.15770       -1.20930        0.60570
C          1.13450       -1.79750        0.07530
C          3.36800       -2.46510       -0.47600
C         -2.51530       -1.00340        0.31370
H         -0.85170       -0.72990        1.44800
C          1.60850       -0.53300        0.46630
H          4.07220       -3.20990       -0.84400
C          3.84720       -1.21000       -0.08900
C         -3.01950       -1.32450       -0.95030
C         -3.37250       -0.47610        1.28410
H          0.94090        0.23920        0.83590
C          2.96360       -0.25130        0.38000
O          5.18110       -0.94720       -0.17950
H         -2.37500       -1.72260       -1.72960
C         -4.36850       -1.12040       -1.24080
H         -2.98380       -0.22450        2.26900
C         -4.72140       -0.27150        0.99350
O          3.41870        0.98410        0.76170
C          5.98010       -1.25020        0.96230
H         -4.75600       -1.36800       -2.22460
C         -5.21950       -0.59370       -0.26910
Cl        -5.76680        0.37870        2.19690
C          3.46790        1.98780       -0.24290
H          7.01550       -0.98040        0.73710
H          5.93780       -2.32070        1.18670
H          5.64820       -0.67070        1.82950
F         -6.51340       -0.40260       -0.56390
C          3.23370        3.34540        0.40570
H          2.74780        1.79530       -1.04760
H          4.46890        1.97030       -0.68910
C          1.86870        3.41410        1.08300
H          3.39940        4.15530       -0.31050
H          3.98880        3.48680        1.19060
N          0.80650        3.17060        0.10930
H          1.75190        4.39540        1.56120
H          1.82130        2.66710        1.88490
C         -0.50760        3.14330        0.76650
C          0.82080        4.19400       -0.94540
H         -0.54390        2.34230        1.51380
H         -0.69680        4.09550        1.27870
C         -1.60000        2.89960       -0.27080
H          0.69400        5.19410       -0.51090
H          1.74840        4.18480       -1.52360
C         -0.30350        3.92660       -1.94200
H         -1.49620        1.91520       -0.74280
H         -2.58400        2.93570        0.20740
O         -1.56660        3.91380       -1.27560
H         -0.33310        4.72180       -2.69390
H         -0.15890        2.97600       -2.47000

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