Hi everyone. Just a quick question.

Basically I'm at the final part of my research and I don't really know what
to do in terms of procedure.

I have SDF file with the 3d coordinates of every molecule of interest.

My ultimate goal is to take molecule A, align it to molecule B and then
"delete" all atoms from molecule B and molecule A which are not present in
each other. These aligned atoms of molecule B, will then be compared with
the atoms from Molecule A and their differences in electronegativity will
be calculated for the Molecules.

I have tried doing an MCS alignment but it can be 'broken easily' For

Molecule A : CCCCSCCO
Molecule B:  CCCCNCCO
MCS :        CCCC
Ideal alignment: CCCC_CCO

Problem: The CCO atoms are present in both but this method tends to 'lose'

I have tried obfit:
command: obfit SMART PATTERN MoleculeA.sdf MoleculeB.sdf > aligned.sdf
The input Smart Pattern is the MCS generated but the aligned.sdf contains
the same atoms as Molecule B (atoms which aren't in common aren't removed).

What methods can I use which may assist with what I want/ What am i missing?

Thank you!
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