Is it possible to get the binary of the last development version? Or only the 

> On 3 Oct 2019, at 18:46, Noel O'Boyle <> wrote:
> Have you tried the latest code? If the problem persists with the latest 
> development code, could you please file a bug.
> Thanks,
>    Noel
> On Wed, 18 Sep 2019 at 11:38, HORACIO EMILIO PEREZ SANCHEZ < 
> <>> wrote:
> Hi, 
>    we are using Open Babel 2.4.1 and we have found a very strange  
> behaviour when converting pdbqt format; for instance:
>   a) babel 3CQA.pdbqt 3CQA_2.pdbqt
>   (file is pasted below)
>   it makes unnecessary modifications to several parts of the file
>   or
>   b) babel *.pdbqt -opdbqt test_join.pdbqt
>   in our case this could be
>   babel 3CQA.pdbqt 3CQA.pdbqt -opdbqt test_join.pdbqt
>   when we want to join all pdbqt files into a single one, it distorts  
> some of the pdbqt files
>   What can be the reason?
>   Thanks
>   =============== 3CQA.pdbqt =====
>   REMARK  12 active torsions:
> REMARK  status: ('A' for Active; 'I' for Inactive)
> REMARK    1  A    between atoms: C1_1  and  C16_40 
> REMARK    2  A    between atoms: C1_1  and  O7_41 
> REMARK    3  A    between atoms: C3_5  and  O6_38 
> REMARK    4  A    between atoms: C4_7  and  O5_36 
> REMARK    5  A    between atoms: C5_9  and  O1_14 
> REMARK    6  A    between atoms: O1_14  and  C7_15 
> REMARK    7  A    between atoms: C7_15  and  C8_17 
> REMARK    8  A    between atoms: C7_15  and  O2_19 
> REMARK    9  A    between atoms: C9_21  and  C10_23 
> REMARK   10  A    between atoms: C13_28  and  O3_32 
> REMARK   11  A    between atoms: C14_29  and  O4_34 
> REMARK   12  A    between atoms: C16_40  and  O9_44 
> ATOM      1  C1  <1> d   1      -5.339   2.673  -0.768  0.00  0.00      
> 0.141 C 
> ATOM      2  C2  <1> d   1      -5.512   3.793  -1.794  0.00  0.00    
>  -0.096 C 
> ATOM      3  H21 <1> d   1      -6.503   4.255  -1.674  0.00  0.00      
> 0.079 H 
> ATOM      4  H22 <1> d   1      -5.532   3.384  -2.813  0.00  0.00      
> 0.079 H 
> ATOM      5  C3  <1> d   1      -4.427   4.866  -1.699  0.00  0.00      
> 0.153 C 
> ATOM      6  H3  <1> d   1      -3.474   4.479  -2.074  0.00  0.00      
> 0.104 H 
> ATOM      7  C4  <1> d   1      -4.255   5.402  -0.271  0.00  0.00      
> 0.075 C 
> ATOM      8  H4  <1> d   1      -3.426   6.119  -0.264  0.00  0.00      
> 0.052 H 
> ATOM      9  C5  <1> d   1      -4.032   4.272   0.749  0.00  0.00      
> 0.127 C 
> ATOM     10  H5  <1> d   1      -4.049   4.682   1.767  0.00  0.00      
> 0.054 H 
> ATOM     11  C6  <1> d   1      -5.144   3.220   0.654  0.00  0.00    
>  -0.102 C 
> ATOM     12  H61 <1> d   1      -4.922   2.389   1.336  0.00  0.00      
> 0.076 H 
> ATOM     13  H62 <1> d   1      -6.089   3.654   1.007  0.00  0.00      
> 0.076 H 
> BRANCH   9  14
> ATOM     14  O1  <1> d   1      -2.801   3.581   0.554  0.00  0.00    
>  -0.449 OA
> BRANCH  14  15
> ATOM     15  C7  <1> d   1      -1.660   4.418   0.690  0.00  0.00      
> 0.364 C 
> ATOM     16  H7  <1> d   1      -1.848   5.393   0.240  0.00  0.00    
>  -0.371 H 
> BRANCH  15  17
> ATOM     17  C8  <1> d   1      -0.527   3.740  -0.014  0.00  0.00      
> 0.121 C 
> ATOM     18  H8  <1> d   1      -0.754   3.451  -1.040  0.00  0.00    
>  -0.190 H 
> ATOM     19  C9  <1> d   1       0.682   3.466   0.497  0.00  0.00    
>  -0.337 C 
> ATOM     20  H9  <1> d   1       0.943   3.761   1.510  0.00  0.00      
> 0.216 H 
> BRANCH  19  21
> ATOM     21  C10 <1> d   1       1.728   2.772  -0.260  0.00  0.00    
>  -0.114 A 
> ATOM     22  C11 <1> d   1       3.040   3.277  -0.228  0.00  0.00      
> 0.135 A 
> ATOM     23  H11 <1> d   1       3.261   4.187   0.327  0.00  0.00    
>  -0.050 H 
> ATOM     24  C15 <1> d   1       4.075   2.632  -0.914  0.00  0.00      
> 0.065 A 
> ATOM     25  C14 <1> d   1       3.792   1.470  -1.619  0.00  0.00      
> 0.206 A 
> ATOM     26  H15 <1> d   1       5.078   3.047  -0.880  0.00  0.00    
>  -0.001 H 
> ATOM     27  C13 <1> d   1       2.500   0.954  -1.640  0.00  0.00    
>  -0.073 A 
> ATOM     28  C12 <1> d   1       1.465   1.592  -0.970  0.00  0.00    
>  -0.117 A 
> ATOM     29  H12 <1> d   1       0.468   1.161  -0.995  0.00  0.00      
> 0.138 H 
> BRANCH  25  30
> ATOM     30  O4  <1> d   1       4.749   0.781  -2.312  0.00  0.00    
>  -0.493 OA
> ATOM     31  H4  <1> d   1       5.586   1.270  -2.230  0.00  0.00      
> 0.437 HD
> ENDBRANCH  25  30
> BRANCH  27  32
> ATOM     32  O3  <1> d   1       2.256  -0.203  -2.325  0.00  0.00    
>  -0.417 OA
> ATOM     33  H3  <1> d   1       3.131  -0.454  -2.689  0.00  0.00      
> 0.337 HD
> ENDBRANCH  27  32
> ENDBRANCH  19  21
> ENDBRANCH  15  17
> BRANCH  15  34
> ATOM     34  O2  <1> d   1      -1.363   4.691   2.048  0.00  0.00    
>  -0.108 OA
> ATOM     35  H2  <1> d   1      -1.190   3.852   2.482  0.00  0.00      
> 0.450 HD
> ENDBRANCH  15  34
> ENDBRANCH  14  15
> ENDBRANCH   9  14
> BRANCH   7  36
> ATOM     36  O5  <1> d   1      -5.439   6.147   0.051  0.00  0.00    
>  -0.542 OA
> ATOM     37  H5  <1> d   1      -5.301   6.565   0.921  0.00  0.00      
> 0.430 HD
> ENDBRANCH   7  36
> BRANCH   5  38
> ATOM     38  O6  <1> d   1      -4.805   5.961  -2.541  0.00  0.00    
>  -0.599 OA
> ATOM     39  H6  <1> d   1      -5.461   6.464  -2.013  0.00  0.00      
> 0.409 HD
> ENDBRANCH   5  38
> BRANCH   1  40
> ATOM     40  C16 <1> d   1      -4.215   1.701  -1.170  0.00  0.00      
> 0.013 C 
> ATOM     41  O8  <1> d   1      -3.226   1.928  -1.845  0.00  0.00    
>  -0.500 OA
> BRANCH  40  42
> ATOM     42  O9  <1> d   1      -4.457   0.459  -0.673  0.00  0.00    
>  -0.070 OA
> ATOM     43  H9  <1> d   1      -3.689  -0.077  -0.972  0.00  0.00    
>  -0.142 HD
> ENDBRANCH  40  42
> ENDBRANCH   1  40
> BRANCH   1  44
> ATOM     44  O7  <1> d   1      -6.557   1.903  -0.767  0.00  0.00    
>  -0.060 OA
> ATOM     45  H7  <1> d   1      -6.306   1.026  -0.407  0.00  0.00      
> 0.494 HD
> ENDBRANCH   1  44
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