Yes, the command line, including using the force fields, works when I set the 
BABEL_DATADIR variable. The problem is that even when I set the BABEL_DATADIR, 
my C++ code does not find the force fields.


From: Geoffrey Hutchison
Sent: Friday, September 27, 2019 3:09 PM
To: Asem Alenaizan
Cc: Noel O'Boyle;
Subject: Re: [Open Babel] Using Openbabel with a New Package

The program can be compiled and linked correctly against openbabel, but I 
cannot find the force field.

Noel's question is whether you can use the standard command-line tools and 
convert files:

obabel -L forcefields
obabel -:CCCC -omol --gen3d

Finding the plugins is done using the BABEL_LIBDIR environment variable:

Hope that helps,

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