Hello all,

I installed Open Babel via conda on my Linux workstation and have been
enjoying what it can do.  I do have a question regarding png files however:

I was please to find that the following command:

obabel -:"NC(SC)=N" -o png -O output.png

will create a nice png file of the provided SMILES string.

>From looking at the available formats when typing  obabel -L formats it
would appear that png is an acceptable -input- format and that SMILES would
be an acceptable -output- format.  However, when I type:

obabel output.png  -i png -o smi -O output.smi

Open Babel will tell me that it converted 1 molecule, but output.smi will
be a file with 0 bytes.

Can Open Babel actually extract SMILES information from provided png files
or should I go investigate programs like osra or CLiDE instead?

Thank you very much,

*Ryan Bannen, PhD*
Senior Bioinformatics Scientist

Nimble Therapeutics, Inc.
500 S. Rosa Rd.
Madison WI, 53719

www.nimbletherapeutics.com <http://www.nimbletherapeutics.com>

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