Dear Obenbabel community,

I am new in using Openbabel. I have an .xyz file produced by GAUSSIAN ( <>  ). This file
includes a DNA double helix of 5 base pairs surrounded by hydrogen peroxide
My goal is to analyze some double-helical parameters of DNA in 3DNA software
package. This software requires a .pdb file in which DNA atoms are labeled
in *canonical form* (N1,C2,...). But when converting my .xyz file to .pdb
using Openbabel, in an output file there is only an information about the
type of atom (N,C,O,...) -  H2O2_new.pdb
<>  . Due to that it
cannot be recognized by 3DNA program.
To make a conversion I use the command:
obabel -ixyz -opdb -O new/H2O2_new.pdb

Could you tell me please if there is a possibility in Openbabel to create a
.pdb file with a canonical labeling of atoms?
Thanks in advance.
Best regards,

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