I like the idea of multiple CONECT with bond orders.

I second David van der Spoel's analysis: if we don't know about any major 
programs that would fail/crash, with multiple CONECT per bond, then we should 
go for it.

Even if that's the case, though, it could be easily addressed by having a flag 
that disables the feature for sake of compatibility with the PDB standard 
('strict=true', or something).


On 7/29/19 1:11 PM, Geoffrey Hutchison wrote:
> David Koes has contributed a pull request that fixes a bunch of file handling 
> errors via round-trip testing.
> One thing he's implemented is to bring back writing PDB files with multiple 
> bond orders via repeated CONECT records.
> Before I consider the rest of the patch, I want to know opinions on this. 
> It's been a few years since OB reverted to "standard" PDB output and omitted 
> only one CONECT per bond connection. This matches the practice of the PDB 
> itself, although the "bond order" practice is fairly wide-spread.
> David feels strongly that OB should default to write files with bond order 
> information.
> I can't find the threads of previous discussion, which suggests some of it 
> was in the SourceForge bug tracker - I can't find anything pro or con from 
> that discussion, only that it was eventually decided to stick with one CONECT 
> per bond.
> - Do you favor single CONECT records?
> - Do you favor bond order information?
> - What do you feel are pro or cons?
> I'd like an open discussion. If it's possible, I know many people expect PDB 
> files to support bond orders.
> -Geoff
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  Stefano Forli, PhD

  Assistant Professor
  Dept. of Integrative Structural
  and Computational Biology, MB-112A
  The Scripps Research Institute
  10550  North Torrey Pines Road
  La Jolla,  CA 92037-1000,  USA.

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