
I have an sdf file (attached) with prepared molecules for docking and want
to convert them to pdbqt format by preserving the protons as they are in
the sdf. I use the following command line:

obabel -i sdf sample.sdf -o pdbqt -O sample.pdbqt -xh --canonical

However, OpenBabel writes a multi-MODEL pdbqt file (it assumes that the
input contains multiple conformations of a single molecule). As such,
docking with Smina fails with this error:

Parse error on line 1 in file "sample.pdbqt": Unexpected multi-MODEL input.
> Use "vina_split" first?

How can I instruct OpenBabel to write a multi-molecule pdbqt file? I am not
sure if the flag '--canonical' has any effect. I have heard that sometimes
it fixes some random change in the atom order especially in structures with
a high number of rotatable bonds and many symmetric groups.

I thank you in advance for your help.

PS: although I could use directly the 'sample.sdf' file for docking with
Smina, I have noticed differences in the output docking poses when I use
pdbqt and sdf, and I am about to submit a bug report.



Dr. Thomas Evangelidis

Research Scientist

IOCB - Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry of the Czech Academy
of Sciences <>, Prague,
Czech Republic
CEITEC - Central European Institute of Technology
<>, Brno,
Czech Republic

email:, Twitter: tevangelidis
<>, LinkedIn: Thomas Evangelidis


Attachment: sample.sdf
Description: StarMath document

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