It would be helpful to see the molecule. Certainly, I’d expect that you’d get 
more variety, but it’s possible you have some symmetric rotors that are not 
being picked up.


> On Nov 15, 2017, at 7:50 AM, MD Simulation <> 
> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm using obabel random conformation generator. I ask for 30 conformers on a 
> system with 30 rotatable dihedrals. Of the 30 conformers, I will only get 10 
> conformers that are actually different, meaning that I get 3 of the same 
> conformations for each conformer. I would think that asking for 30 structures 
> from a system with such flexibility would result in 30 different 
> conformations. Is the random conformer generator flawed? Is there a better 
> way to get actual random conformations? 
> Thanks for the help, 
> Carrie 
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