Thanks for explanation, in fact I ran the cmake but didn't noticed it
produced a babelconfig.h in include of the build (and then not in the same
place than others). Thanks!

2017-11-06 22:00 GMT+01:00 Geoffrey Hutchison <>:

> It seems like you downloaded a new version of Open Babel, but didn’t build
> it.
> Run cmake, make install before you link your code to the new version of
> the code. If you haven’t run cmake, there will not be a babelconfig.h
> header - it’s generated with the #define statements needed for your
> computer/compiler.
> Best regards,
> -Geoff
> > On Nov 6, 2017, at 3:39 AM, Laetitia Bomble <>
> wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > I have bee using openbabel as a library for a while. I wanted to update
> my version of openbabel and thus download and compile openbabel-2.4.1.
> Problem is when I want to compile my code, I get the following error
> > : /home/bomble/Project/openbabel-2.4.1/include/openbabel/mol.h:25:
> error: openbabel/babelconfig.h: No such file or directory
> > and indeed I can't find babelconfig.h in the include dir but
> babelconfig.h is asked in almost all other include.
> > Where can I find it?
> >
> > Thanks
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