On Jun 21, 2017, at 01:14, Sam Tonddast-Navaei <s.tondd...@gmail.com> wrote:
>  Thank you in advance for taking your time and I hope to explain the problem 
> well. I am trying to find the largest induced subfragment given two 
> molecules. For example given ATP (Adenosine Triposphate) and Guanine, I would 
> like the algorithm to return the Purine ring. 

You might try 
https://github.com/openbabel/contributed/tree/master/c%2B%2B/mcs-cliquer , 
which is part of the code contributed to Open Babel but not part of the core 
project. That is, you'll need to clone or download 
https://github.com/openbabel/contributed then compile the code under 
c++/mcs-cliquer .

I did that just now with your use case, and got:

[openbabel-contributed/c++/mcs-cliquer] dalke% cat atp.smi
O=P(O)(O)OP(=O)(O)OP(=O)(O)OC[C@H]3O[C@@H](n2cnc1c(ncnc12)N)[C@H](O)[C@@H]3O ATP
[openbabel-contributed/c++/mcs-cliquer] dalke% cat guanine.smi
c1[nH]c2c(n1)c(=O)[nH]c(n2)N guanine
[openbabel-contributed/c++/mcs-cliquer] dalke% ./mcs atp.smi guanine.smi
[nH]1cnc2cncnc12 0.243902

The "0.243902" is a similarity score based on (the number of bonds "C" in the 
MCS)/(the number of bonds in both input structures - "C").

> I am wondering what's the algorithm behind SMARTS match and is there an 
> easier way to do what I did using existing Openbabel libraries. 

Open Babel uses the VF2 algorithm.


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