
I am trying to convert a .cif file to a xyz of the unit cell, using the 
openbabel python bindings. The working CLI that I am trying to implement is:

obabel source.cif  -O output.xyz --fillUC strict

I need to add the "--fillUC strict" option to the conversion in Python (2.7.6) 
. Something like:

import openbabel
obConversion = openbabel.OBConversion()
obConversion.SetInAndOutFormats("cif", "xyz")
mol = openbabel.OBMol()
obConversion.ReadFile(mol, "source.cif")
obConversion.WriteFile(mol, 'output.xyz')

This produces the same output I would get from the CLI call without the 
"--fillUC strict" option (it seems to be ignoring this). I don't really know if 
I am invoking the AddOption syntax correctly - I have tried various mutations 
of the above syntax without success. Any help would be greatly appreciated!


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