The problem seems to be related to the internal coordinate pointers not
being initialized correctly.
I suggest forcing a manual update after changing the molecule:

import openbabel as ob
obmol = ob.OBMol()
obatom = obmol.NewAtom()
obatom.SetVector(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
obatom2 = obmol.GetAtom(2)
print obatom2.GetX()

-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [Open Babel] AddHydrogens() and subsequent GetX() causes
segmentation fault
Von: Peng Bai <>
Datum: 07.04.2016 18:30
> Dear OpenBabel users,
> I wanted to use the AddHydrogens() method from Python, and things work
> fine if I create an OBMol object by reading in a file, but it crashes
> with a segmentation fault if I used it as in the example below. I
> tried it on different machines:
> (1) Python 2.7.9
> OpenBabel git:d56a5d compiled with gcc 5.1.0
> or OpenBabel 2.3.2 compiled with gcc 4.9.2
> (2) Python 2.7.10
> OpenBabel git:d56a5d compiled with gcc 4.8
> An example interactive session:
> ~~~
> In [1]: import openbabel as ob
> In [2]: obmol = ob.OBMol()
> In [3]: obatom = obmol.NewAtom()
> In [4]: obatom.SetAtomicNum(6)
> In [5]: obatom.SetVector(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
> In [6]: obmol.NumAtoms()
> Out[6]: 1
> In [7]: obmol.AddHydrogens()
> Out[7]: True
> In [8]: obmol.NumAtoms()
> Out[8]: 5
> In [9]: obatom2 = obmol.GetAtom(2)
> In [10]: obatom2.GetAtomicNum()
> Out[10]: 1
> In [11]: obatom2.GetAtomicMass()
> Out[11]: 1.00794
> In [12]: obatom2.GetX()
> Segmentation fault
> ~~~
> Any suggestions why this may happen? Thanks very much in advance!
> Best regards,
> Peng
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